Food Unites!

I want to create a food/cooking blog because I think it would be nice to share recipes with people from all over the world and if there was one thing that could unite the world FOOD would be it … And in recent years I have taken pictures of a whole of food that I have made and those made by others in the family and then there are those which are store bought. I have collected tons of pictures and looking through my Picasa2 (yes folks I have discovered FINALLY the wonderful world of Picasa2 by Google and learning to use it everyday) I find that it would be fun to create a blog specifically for food. It would definitely be a visual feast. (Don’t forget the drool bucket I tell myself)…
Another reason I wanted to do this was so I can have recipes from my current blogs imported to the food blogs for easy retrieval. Trust me sometimes the new recipes that I try I just blog about them and throw the piece of paper away which obviously causes me a lot of hassle when I want to try the recipe again and sometimes it takes forever to look for it on my blog seeing I cover a wide spectrum of topics in my blogs.
So I hope to start a blog soon and it will all be about food – recipes, pictures and not just mine – from friends , recipe books and the many searches I have done and recipes I have collected from the various sites online. Once ive done this goal ill post the link if anyone’s curious what kind of foods satisfies the pallets of the groovy island girl and her fellow islanders ….
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