interesting finds.good & bad times.friends.people.what matters.what doesnt.what nots - in this journey of life of an island girl in an island state.
my LIFE on Paper Journals
..... .... uncluttering does wonders and today i was motivated to re organize to redecorate and that i did .. i started with my candle place then my bedside table and finally and most importantly my boxes of journals .. i bought a long flat plastic container that i can easily slide under my bed for my journals - i have been wanting to do that for a while now and finally i did ... i think its that time again when i get into the mood of cleaning and uncluttering ..... and as tired as i was after work i did it none the less.. motivations works in strange ways .. hail motivation for being on my side today .. now all my journals would be put together into one big journal box hurrah hurrah.. i dont know why but it makes me feel happy and im im still like wow did i write in all of them ...... but anyways ... presenting My Life on Paper Journals ... - and they are all about me - not trying to sound conceited but just stating the truth .. hahaha.. My collection of journals almost 17 years of my life are documented in those colorful books and pieces of paper. I have a variety of journals - some of them i made some of them i bought - i think as i got older older my journals got more straight forward tho none the less colorful - i love colors - it adds so much to the dullness of life sometimes ..... after i arranged all my precious journals together - just sat back and stared at them and thinking to myself ' my my my thats my life there .. i knew i had journals i just didnt know how many .. one thing though i dont read back on my journals i dont know why - after ones done i keep it and start on a new one ....... my collection is obviously still growing because aside from blogging i still write in my journal - i think its one those things that we should not let technology take over ..... Though most of my thoughts feelings and what nots are box there are piles of pieces of paper where i dont have a proper book for. Its one of those where you have an idea and your out and about with no paper insight so its down to bits of pieces and and paper ... The two piles of paper in the picture with the flowers are my unfiled journal entries - i think if anyone tried to read them they would have a hard time sometimes i think thats the whole idea ...*snicker* ......but anyways while putting these journals into the box - i sneaked into my pass journals and sometimes i wonder was that person really me ? lol sometimes for the wrong reasons sometimes for the right reasons but one thing i know i do believe i have grown mentally and lord knows physically heheee..... my experiences have been quiet interesting i have to admit and i am sure that goes for everyone else lives too - but hey this about me (just kidding...) Anyways i am just happy t hat i am able to do this - and share it with everyone .... journalling is definitely fun and it really helps in sharing your thoughts when you dont want to be judged or misread ... i would recommend if whoever is reading this havent started already ... as for me the journalling continues.......for this mind hardly rests..... and as i end this i wonder what would be the perception of anyone who reads(just assuming anyone would) ... these journals with details of the last 17 years of my life ............... hmmmmm......
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