Happy Thursday! Admist a very slow computer - i think its due to having way too many programs on it ....... grrrrrrrr i sit and write this entry. Its 2110pm and The Amazing Race Asia is on - but im skipping it now and will just catch the repeat later tonight seeing i can sleep as late as i want & wake up anytime i want- some of us are on vacation ....

though i have been waking up early every morning

.. when your body clock is used to the early hours it refuses to change oh well ... Was a rather quiet day - didnt do much - did some cleaning - keepinga way the cakes and cookies seeing that the eid celebrations are officially over , watched a bit of afternoon tv- continued reading my book to get feedt on food for the soul - i made spicy chicken though with stir fried vegetables

- to feed my stomach ...

im so stuffed now ...
I have a little write up that i received in my inbox and would like to share - i think it goes well with the holidays in the Western Hemisphere.. its about blessings & gratitude. Time to think . Enjoy everyone ..
There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from." ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Begin today by saying "thank you." There is so much to be grateful for. Each new day is 24 new hours to live... and celebrate life.
"Man absolutely cannot live by himself," explained philosopher Erich Fromm.
Be grateful for everything and everyone. To look at life with gratitude is to clearly see opportunities. Even at those times of the greatest challenges, with gratitude, any difficulty can be transformed into a blessing, into a meaningful lesson of growth. Failures are merely stepping stones to success. Pain moves the heart to coping, to healing and the discovery of greater compassion for others.
"Gratitude," said jazz musician Lionel Hampton, "is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind."
Celebrate your blessings today: All that you have... All that is RIGHT in your life. Make it a routine to write your celebrations down daily in a journal and share your gratitude with others.
Gratitude brings peace and hope. Gratitude is contagious.
~~Thank You.
from Daily Celebrations ...
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