Ms Nin, pickled limes & bright skies ..
My title probably carries the most unlikely combination but yes that was my morning for the most part. A morning of inspirations from Ms Nin, admiring the bright skies outside and watching my mom make pickled limes (yup she is in town...) for the first time ...
Anais Nin is one of my favorite female writers of all time. Her book Delta of Venus is on my too buy list..... I really like the quote that comes with this blog -
in many ways it says alot about me - and i think most women too. I wouldnt know but i could safely assume. If anyones keen on reading more about her or her works you can so here. I obviously forgot how to put that into html hehee ... anyways ...
My mom came over at noon today - she will be staying for a while im sure at least for the next week which is cool with me. Its nice having her around except when she gets upset at me for being me ( long story .. heeheee) .. anyways, we had a nice chat at the kitchen while i was preparing lunch and she was busy cutting open the pink pomelo and removing all its sacs to a bowl so she can chill it and have it as a snack. We talked about my cute grandma who is afraid of the new domestic engineer (hehee or home helper or maid i prefer domestic engineer heehee) ... This really got me mad & worried cos my grandmother is usually never afraid of the maids in the past (im not sure if its just cos of her old age or the so called domestic engineer did something or said something) - i just hope that she didnt threathen my grandmother or anything sigh ... Its sad you know if she actually did something - for one my grandmother is old and secondly my aunt and the rest of her family have actually been really nice to her - she on the other hand seem to be giving problems to everyone else - i hope for her sake she will change so they dont have to send her home. Anyways i called my cousin and ask her to look out for grandma ...
My mom was making pickled lime from scratch - we usually just have it and take it for granted that its always there. I always thought she bought it today i was enlighten lol . she made them from scratch and here i was wondering what all those limes were for ... She diligently removed all the skin from the limes about 10 big ones and she had about 20 or so of mixed sized limes and course salt. She slit the top of the limes into quarts and put in the salt and the arranged it in the jar. I had the honor of squeezing the juice of the remaining limes which was then poured into the jar. She said it has to be pickled in a cupboard cos the sunlight can dry up the moisture and now its sitting in the pantry until it gets done - not sure how long it will take but she said well know when its done - shes the pro so im taking her word for it. And once i ts done yummmyy its taste good especially when you mash with slice onions, as well as red & green chillies ... let the pickling begin ... below are pics of the soon to be pickled limes ... side view of the limes
top view of the limes
Its about 350pm here and the it seems to be getting darker i guess mr rain is going to pay us a visit again yay!! im glad i took pictures of the sky from earlier this afternoon - it was so bright till i had to squint my eyes when i took the pictures heheee.. i had the little rain effect on the slides only becos i named the slide sunshine after the rain and well it looked kinda pretty heehee... i think ill take more shots of the sky after im done im blogging this. Here are the slides of the pretty bright sky - ....
That was my day so far. The morning was good i got re assured that everything was alright which was a consolation for me cos i dont enjoy people being upset at me so when i got a message this morning from 'C' that everything was fine - i was a happy camper - a drowsy sleepy camper but happy none the less .... ;))
I can hear the wind as im typing this - yep were all up for another rain storm yay!!! Im looking forward to it ... and on that note have a happy mid week everyone! blog ya laters ..
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