school's out!

I was giggling at this because it reminded me of The Simpson’s when they sent their children to summer camp. The parents appeared sad and saying how much it will miss their kids only to open the champagne bottle when the bus left heehee. If they could bring wine into the school I would think that would be the scenario – teachers jumping with joy popping the wine bottle and making toasts to a child free vacation and alone time. But alas we are an educational institution so no wine but just happy faced teachers uttering’ Finally They are Gone , a little break at last after nearly six months of children’s antics’ . We love the kids but I think after working hard for the past six months we all deserve a little break. I always make a joke of it when someone ask me I had kids I would say yes and the best part is I get to return them on most holidays and school holidays *grin*. But obviously it would be a different scenario if they were my own ……….
And so at 1130am, the bell rang and the kids were on their way home, smiling and waving and saying see you next month teacher enjoy your holiday …. And after a while there was silence. School was officially out except for coming in for a meeting on the last week of the school vacation school was officially out.
The kids at school were as happy as those kids on the blog picture ;)).. They kind of looked a little like that when they dance and sang ..cutenesss
This week was a week of meeting parents and doing a final lesson for Father’s Day seeing that it falls on June 17th which is still a school holiday. They made cards for their dad’s and we talked about what their fathers mean to them. That opened the endless chatters of the yougins .. what they will get their dads, what they will do for their dads and all that – kids what do you expect – full of life and enthusiasm and we cant forget the ideas. Some say they will bake a cake , some say they will take their dad fishing and there was one kid who said on Father’s Day I will try not to make my daddy angry like I do everyday in their cute innocent tone .. *smiles*
On Thursday they kids were treated to the movie ‘The Incredibles’ complete with popcorn and what not and surprisingly they actually behaved this time round. Sat and watched the movie quietly. I guess they are really starting to grow up because when we had movie days before they would be talking and telling stories.
Today being the last day of school, there was a class party so they were allowed to come in their home clothes instead of the school uniform. There was the usual food games and singing which was really fun. We all got into the action of dancing with the kids, little kids who try really hard to dance but have two left feet look really cute … The end of school term party was celebrated by all the classes from the nursery to the kindergarten 2.
And a long week it was, but it’s all good. Schools out for the semester time to relax recharge and regroup I am so looking forward to the holidays. Its 140pm I am home on a Friday afternoon when I am normally home at 6 pm. heehee feels SO good… Alrighty enough blogging for the afternoon I think this teacher needs a nap after all the excitement of the day and week ..
so blog ya laters ..
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