Unwinding ...

The panda cam is not working as well as I like it too but I think its ok cause mei lan seem to be sleeping every time I look at the panda cam. Sleepy little baby. I think the summer months makes them extra tired the heat and what not. But its nice to watch the way she sleeps too. Her different positions how she scratches herself. Sometimes when her mommy passes her while she sleeps I get scared if she would wake little mei lan up. Sometimes I don’t mind that she does but sometimes I feel she needs her rest.
Well all in all it was a good day and its just four days before the school holidays officially begins. This week is about meeting parents and talking to them about their children’s progress and what not. This time is fine when you’re in Pre School but when you’re in primary and secondary school teachers meeting parents are often dreaded. The kids get to do what they want this week but under supervision of course. There will be a class party end of the week to celebrate the coming of the school holidays – trust me teachers and kids alike are looking forward to this day. On Thursday we are having a movie day. The kids get to watch a movie as if they were in a theatre with pop corn and all. This only happens on the last week of school and the kids seem to enjoy them. The only difference between this and a regular cinema is that the kids ask a lot of questions about the movie – what can I say kids will be kids .. anyways ..
I haven’t heard from ‘C’ .. I hope he is doing fine. I wrote quiet a lot in my recent email to him and I spilled quiet a lot feelings thoughs and what nots. – I hope he isn’t upset about it. I was just writing how I felt though I was sort of goofy and loopy still recovering from the sheer excitement of the weekend but none the less i let my mind and heart speak and sometimes it gets me into trouble heehee but anyways ..
I am off to la la land hopefully my dreams tonight would be good ones but I doubt it since I watch a show that gets the FBI agents get into the minds of criminals lol oh well .. I am all blogged out .. so nites world ..
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