fly away little wing ..

The 16th day of Ramadan was a rather quiet one for me. I spend my iftar alone seeing mom is in Johore. It was quiet quick iftar only me the call to the prayer, the song of praises and then eid songs on the radio. I think my mind was blank when I was eating not really thinking maybe just feeling. Not sure what it was though. Well anyways, today I am not reflecting much. Am not sure why and I guess that explains why I couldn’t blog last night. I do think the real reason is that I am tired, mentally drained my muse is on strike ;)) … but well its back this morning well sort of. Sometimes it’s a push factor with my muse… I had plans to go up to my grandma’s for the weekend but right now I am not sure if I want to – I just want to be alone for now. Do you ever get one of those days? I know it’s always fun at grandmas and comforting but today I just want to be alone. We will see where today takes me – Johore or remaining at here at home in Singapore…
On a fun brighter note - What a joy it is to be a kid again! They have a day to celebrate them, wonder if they have a Grown Up Day.. hmm but then again I think today is also the day of some of us adults who refuse to grow up ;)) … anyways, today we had a children’s day celebration at school so school functioned for only half a day – just some of the perks of being a teacher. ;)) did I mention school holidays & all that ;)) well the kids had a great time today – just as well seeing it’s their day. Makes you want to be a kid all over again – they had food cake cookies candy heck they ended the school day with a goodie bag from all the teachers. What more could a kid ask for right and did I mention they have a long weekend coming up: D …
Yesterday after school, I made a trip to the bookstore one my favorite places. I was there looking for a certain book but came home with another. Typical of me sometimes but today I had a valid reason. The book I was looking for was Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I looked at Borders, Books Kinokuniya, MPH & Times none of these stores carried it. I don’t understand why. It’s not like it’s one of those controversial books that could incite a riot. Well anyways, I think will go back to Borders again and place a special order while still continuing inquiring at second hand book shops. The book came highly recommended by ‘C”. The synopsis of the book can be found in my next blog . Seeing that book wasn’t available I bought the next book on my list – ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ by Elizabeth Gilbert. It’s a book from the Oprah Book Club. That’s where I found it actually and the book seem interesting enough about our search for happiness and wondering if we are really happy where we are with what we have. A quote from the book which I like is this …
"Happiness is the consequence of personal effort.You fight for it,strive for it,insist upon it,& sometimes even travel around the world looking for it"-
Its one of those books that I know I can’t put down. Right from her start her style of writing appeals to me. Her wittiness, the honesty and the respect she has is very appealing to me in a writer and in a book. The book is about new beginnings, and if you’re a woman in search of that something that’s missing in your life, this book is definitely for you.
Me.I think I am still the Me who I am before this whole reflective period of my life. Events that affect you profoundly in your life can really create some major and what seem to be unwelcoming changes for some. So I decided to stop the discovery process for a while and halt the changes. I decided this last night why I don’t really know. I think there just some things i have to figure out and ever so often it seems I have to justify certain of my actions or what I am going through. Changes, the realizations and what not. In spite of it all I still don’t think it changes the core of who I am. What I seek is a sense of peace, happiness with myself and people around me. These changes if anything has helped me get a better grasps on life. But I got a little lost again somehow…. Maybe the weekend will help me find my way ….
fly away little wing .. into the sky find what you're looking for ....
Blog Ya laters world .. have a great weeked!
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