Baby Kaleb

Baby Kaleb (December 5th 2005- July 12th 2006)
Children are a gift from God like my best friend said - a borrowed angel ..what if the times up and God wants them back? ..
Baby Kaleb .... ..i never knew him personally or seen him but in a lot of ways i could feel him - who cant feel cute adorable little ones? Their presence is enough to bring about warm fuzzy feelings. Kaleb was the seven month old son of a friend of my best friend .. he died .... he is in baby heaven with the rest of the other kids who have gone ... i cant even begin to imagine what his mother must be feeling - having carried him for nine months and seen and lived with him for the past seven and just have him taken away - when he seems like a healthy baby boy ...
Yes its Gods work - we have to accept but sometimes as human beings with our own limitations - we question God why? why make us go through all the pain - why give us such a blessing only to take it back?.... I am sure his mother is questioning that - she must be feeling a lot - the hurt , the pain the devastation .. ask anyone who has lost a child ... i could never feel that because i am childless but to lose something as precious - i think i can fathom though not to the full extend gf feels the lost more probably because of the bond that she has established with Kalebs mother and she being a mom herself ... their kids are only 4mths apart and i do believe they have been there together for each others pregnancy ....
babies are babies.. no matter what they bring such joys to the lives of their parents .. if as non parents we cry at the birth of a child -feel the joy that it brings - just imagine the joy that it brings to their parents... the little hands, that smile, the smell , their wamrth of the little bundle of joy.. Their gurgles, their cries.. I am sure now that he is gone she will miss his cries when he wants milk, change of diaper or just wanting to be comforted.. i wish there was a way for his mother to be feel better or at least not grief as much but i want her to know that sweet Baby Kaleb is in baby heaven under the watchful eye of God with angels by his side. He is looking down on his mother with all the love he has for her. He is in a good place and smiling down on his mother - hugging her and holding her in spirit so that she may feel some comfort.
To Kalebs mother i pray God gives her strength and courage to face each passing day .....
the passing away of a precious one makes us realize just how precious life is (especially in this case a little baby) ... its through this that we have to be thankful and appreciate the people in our lives whom we care and love ... because you dont know when it will end and if you will ever get the chance to tell them you love them or appreciate them ...
we may never know why things happen the way they do and to accept it as there will be a silver lining out of all these dark clouds is sometimes difficult , but we all have faith no matter how little , that things will be ok .. not today maybe not even tomorrow but eventually and we are promised more blessings .. & brighter days ...
To sweet baby Kaleb sleep well .. under the watchful eyes of angels .. as you lay peacefully in heaven .. goodnight sweet angel ....
hey groovy
i am sorry about her lost. My prayers go out to her. By the way this is beautifully written. :) Maybe you could write something about this soldier in the desert ;):P
Thank you for your kind words. Give me an idea on what to write then i just might ...maybe :)
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