interesting finds.good & bad times.friends.people.what matters.what doesnt.what nots - in this journey of life of an island girl in an island state.
a shortie ..
The cat dragged in some kind of wonderful this morning and i was disappointed that i missed him - see what sleep gets ya :P missing out on a moment with someone special .. (well at least in my book he is .. anyways.... i have to have a little chat with the cat about the times he drags "C" in .. hmmmmm.. but anyways it was nice to get something from him - always a good thing knowing that he is ok .. and it really just makes your day ... i was grinning from ear to ear when i got his offlines - me its the little things that make me happy, that was a nice start to my morning .. He is like morning coffee for me - lol maybe that explains why i am down to one cup of coffee these days .. hahah a thought messages seems to be the morning jolt i need .. *winks* .. :P Yeah he does have that effect on me .. ;).....anyways, i found this very nice quote from my favorite author...
I am what you seek And what you find.I am what you scattered And the pieces you now gather up.--paulo coelho
Very deep words and open to interpretation - there is that obvious meaning to that and then there is probably that obvious meaning it .. id have to refer back from which if his books this quote is taken from ..
well that was my day ........ attempts cooking from scratch, figuring out Paulo Coelho's quoet and "C" - ..... :) .. now i am off to la la land .. nite nites blog land ..
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