mid week, kids n he ...

I realize sometimes i feel so enthusiastic about blogging and at times im so blah ! I would be so 'interesting' if everyday of my life was a drama hahahaa.. Id be dubbed the drama queen of reality ..... i doubt id want that ...... anyways at school today ,one of the kids in my class asked me 'teacher since its children's day what are you going to give us as presents" - i just smiled .. geezzzzzzz talk about thick skinned children ... hahaha kidding tho - in all innocence i was asked that.. i guess it was hint a from her ... rest assured there will be presents for them - its such a joy watching their faces light up everytime they get a present from the teachers and no matter how small it is - they love it none the less...
Creme Caramel was the dessert of the day today .. My mom has been saying she wanted to make her version of my lime n vanilla flan and it was sooo delicicous .... she burnt the caramel a little more so the taste is distinct umm umm umm ... I made cajun friend chicken today with garlic mashed potatoes and fresh salad - everyone raved except it was a little salty so note to self - next time cut down on salt. i guess when you're fasting and cooking its impossible to taste - actualy there is a method for it (mom taught me) but ill pass - ill wait till its time to it then taste. I do realize im rambling and come to think of its actually really relaxing ..... typing in daze... i think im sleeping after this - i can barely keep my eyes open...
Then again maybe not ...
....Fasting today (4th day ) wasnt very testy - was actually just another day at schoo. We have a few Muslim kids at our school and some of them actually fast tho it is not mandatory for kids their age but they want too because their parents are doing it and these kids are so proud of what they are doing and then there are those who cant make it heheeeh we cheer them on none the less when they opt to break their fast ..poor babies...
This morning while i was getting ready for work i suddenly thought about "C" - it was weird. I was getting ready and suddenly these images of him just popped into my head. I remembered him getting ready for work and that image of him moving aroud smiling and what not is so clear in my mind - i felt this sharp pang in my stomach. I dont know why that happened tho .... sometimes its like his spirit is around .... crazy huh ... for some strange reason my eyes watered and i sniffled ...... why oh why does that happen ... You think some days you get by ok and some days it just hits you hard - Its not like thoughts of him are a bad thing - heck i love thinking about him makes me smile especially when i look back on the fun times weve had and how closed weve gotten .... but then there is that reality check ..... yeah thats the one that sends a pang to the stomac heaviness to the chest and causes the eyes to water ... anyways .. i just miss him i always do ..... :)
I love the picture thats with this entry ... it to me represents creativity , purity and calmness & its just a pretty picture too ... serenity ... peace...drifting ...reminders..
.....Its still early here and its actually a nice night out .. windy and cool .... i think ill go for a walk a little bit relax and let all this food settle ... maybe make a wish ..meditate , walk .. just basically switch out the world and focus on making myself relax........ *keeping fingers crossed it will work*
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