Happy Ramadhan

The fasting started about 23mins ago in this part of the world at least - at 0537 when the call to prayer for fajr prayers was head it marked the beginning of the fasting month so between now and 7.01pm no food and drinks among other things .. :) Woo hoo! I just gotdone praying and i cant sleep and i dont think its a good idea to sleep just yet cos i just had rice for my morning meal ... so i think i will wait around a little blog a little read a little hope a little ...wonder a little .. My eyelids are actually getting heavy odds are i will fall asleep pretty soon and wake up looking like a ball lol ... My mom gave me a wake up call while i was eating by the way - she was afraid i might fall asleep .. i told her i was eating then she said well i called to make sure just incase you fall asleep ........ moms gotta love them ..i think she just misses me hehee tho we didnt exactly part in a good way when she left for grandmas house last Wednesday but i am so glad were talking again and right now all i want to do is hug her longtime .......... Its true you really dont realize how much you love someone until they have gone away.. experience is a tough teacher ......... but we still love her .... :)
I am attempting to blog for the whole of 30days in Ramadhan - everyday is a diffrent experience but each day with filled with something worth writing i would hope be it good or bad. Like i said ramdhan is a great time for spiritual growth and bringing ones self closer to the Maker and maybe make sense of everything have an answer for all the questions i have you know the what whys and hows .. so God willing i will get some questions answered ..
Its back to la la land for me - i can hardly keep my eyes open.
So to Muslims from all over the world Have A Blessed Ramadhan may it be filled blessings and rahmat from Allah, may all your prayers be answered, forgiveness rendered, mercy shown and bonds strengthen , may our deeds be accepted & the may the true spirit of ramadhan be in our hearts and mind .. ameen :)
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