End fo the day finally .. i wish i would say it was the perfect day but it wasnt none the less im smiling :) .. Got food got my caffeine boost and im a happy camper .. heh.. i think ive recovered from this mornings rants .. as you can see i have little daisies on my post - im in a better mood ... lets see now how was my day really ... hmmmmmmmm. First day of the fast isnt really so bad though i didnt get to spent the day with grandma nor did i break fast with the family . See Ms Idiot here (that would be me) who should have been more careful about travelling documents - couldnt remember where she put her passport. A passport is needed to go into neigbouring Johore, Malaysia where grandma is. After getting and what not i was looking for my passport so i could fill in the form to go into malaysia and guess i couldnt find it - i was frantic .... would be a dounle whammy if i lost it - firstly i couldt go see my family and secondly its not cheap making a new passport especially since its lost and then there is that whole security issue .. but anyways to make a long story short guess where my passport was? ........... in my moms handbag grrrrrrrrrrrrrr... it seems that when i came back from my cousins place with her i told her to put it in her bad and i forgot to ask for it back - so that was my mistake but i paid the price for it .. a hard lesson learnt .. so i broke fast with auntie here instead so it wasnt all that bad.... i was upset intially but i figured there is still another 29days to do the whole family thing ... As for grandma she decided no to come out here .. she is fickle that way so i realy should take it to heart - i guess its due to her old age .. one minute she wants to go here the next minute she doesnt .. i hope she decides to come out here again.. it would be nice having here - cos i really want to take her to the pet safari and the park downstairs.. As for mom she didnt make it here either today - no one was around to send her and the car she usually hires is not available today ..... So tomorrow morning my uncle will be driving her here- another day i can wait ... So the day didnt go the way i planned but im still smiling :) ... Still breathing .. :) still happy and thinking ..... Have my home a safe place to live so im thankful..
Before i go i found this quote by Anne Frank kinda makes the world go away for a bit .. worth reflecting on ...
"I don't think of all the misery, but of the glory that remains. Go outside into the fields, nature and the sun. Think of the beauty that again and again discharges itself within and without you and be happy."
So on that note i am off dreaming about fields of wildflowers, purple skies, shooting stars and a certain special someone dear to me ..... hoping we would catch each other again soon ...
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