Merry Christmas

Some of the moms baked Christmas cookies which was really sweet of them. I have to admit some parents can be a pain to deal with the whole year but when it comes to getting involved in activities like these they are more than eager .. So that ought to make up for the not so good things they put us through the year ...
We of course had party games like Santa says DO this or that .. we did a statue dance with Christmas songs playing in the background and we had sing a longs .. the kids seem to have enjoyed themselves thoroughly.. laughing and getting excited - and so did the rest of the teachers it seems lol no authority on this for a moment .. - i think for a moment there we were all actually as one .. The teachers werent left out in the gift giving spirit - and the best part was all the teachers got christmas cards from their kids of course this was planned weeks ago where making cards was part of an arts & crafts session. .. It was just like Christmas - minus the mistletoe - didnt want the kids kissing .. .. But we all gave each other hugs ....... I have to admit this was the best christmas party ever lol ..well done teachers!
I think what came out of this was the kids had an idea of what Christmas is about - the lesson plans that lead to todays celebrations emphasized the need of being thankful and helping others who are less fortunate and of course to love and care for your fellow man .. and of course the having fun aspect of it .. That is enought to make us teachers smile .. I would think other teachers can relate when they actually get through to a child ... yes?
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