my feet took me ...

My feet took me out of the house but mother nature obviously had a diffrent agenda - cos by the time i left it stopped raining. I would think that it rained for about 45mins or so - grrrrrr.. i was hoping it would rain more like it usually does this time of year but i guess mr sunshine wanted to make an appearance and so he did ... So my plans of rain watching was dried away .. but i wont complain though cos it wasnt as hot as i expected it to be - it usually gets really hot and humid after such short rainfall so i am thankful for that.....
Has anyone ever noticed how unpredictable the weather is and how fickle its been. Cant seem to decide to give us rain or shine - hmmmm kinda like like people dont you think - they are unpredictable in their words and actions and cant make their minds up half the time - just an observations anyways back to my feet adventures ...
My feet took to the airport today - lol .. i like going to the airport and watch the airplanes take off and land .. There is a train that goes directly to the Changi International Airport ... So to the airport i did go - i walked around and people watched and then gave myself a treat at Swensens - i had a Coit Tower and then i ordered some fries too they were sooo yummyyy - i forgot all about having dinner .... I really didnt do much either - i read and then blogged on my phone seeing it would be hard to journal on my train so i was busy typing away on my mobile heh heh - oblivious to the world around me .. but i did see something that got me all warm and fuzzy - and made me smile too .. There was this elderyly tourist lady and her son and grandkids borded the train - i like elderyly people by the way they are so cute ..It was rather cold on the train and you know what the son did - he drapped a shawl around her.. he did it with so much love and affection it just touches you - i dont see things like that not as much as id too tho - and he kept it there .. it was just so sweet - .. i just went awwww ... Just when you think your day was normal you see little things that makes it extra special and you know whats the best part - it took a total stranger to make it all the more special - isnt that nice? :)
That was my day - exciting huh ... Want to hear a story about a 100 words?
100 words - i havent done that in ages. 100 words is actually a writing site where what you do is basically write 100 words everyday - no more no less and you have to it everyday. You cant write ahead . The whole idea is to write 100 words everday - practice practice practice. I have been doing it for the past few months but have been neglecting it in the past two - so i had no entries for October and November - i could always try and catch up for this month - but it would defeat the purpose i think .. anwyays anyone enjoys writing would enjoy this - this is not a blog however you can write about just anything as long as its within the 100word limit. If anyones keen the link is .. Happy 100 wording ;)) ...
End of story ... :)
By the way the pic of the avatar is me - Silly Jedi I - trying to the rid the world of evil and darkness ... :P im loopey - i better stop before i get anymore sillier - blog ya later ....
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