nasi kicap telor,colds & more ..
Today was a rather uneventful day for me . It didnt rain as much as id hope it would last night but it did in the wee hours of this morning - so it was rather a cooling night and it went on to rain later in the day which i liked but it stopped towards the evening at least where i leave. I was fighting a cold and cramps for the most part of the day. The cold due to my little walk in the rain the day before - the irony of it all is that i went out to get an umbrella cos there was none at home - when the rain subsided for a few moments i left for the mall and after getting an umbrella on my way back home - it rained really heavily - i decided to just carry the umbrella and walk in the rain instead heh heh - it was at night the winds was blowing rain falling hard and i was a happy little camper - jumping in puddles of water and laughing at myself - i guess im not laughing now ....,,,,,,,,,,,(phew that was a mouth full..........)My big nose is even bigger and red kinda like Rudolph - go figure its the christmas season ;)) .. so if anyone needs a red nosed reinderr errr red nosed iffa to guide your sleigh you know where to find me ...
I took more pictures of clouds yesterday evening - i love clouds and sunsets so as much as possible i try and take pictures of them or collect them where i can .... The slides are below .....It was pretty dark considering it was only 530pm . The pictures at taken from my neighbourhood btw ;)) .. there is a park downstairs with a blue pathway which i wish was actually a lake or something - hey i can dream cant i ..
I got up at about a little after 8 am i think and had a brief chat with 'C' who was on the way out to a party - lucky devil ;)) .. i guess some us would be busy partying tee hee and having fun - he deserves it after all he has been through this first few months of the year and missing christmas with his family and friends last year ... and he knows im glad he is happy hahah among other things .. doo bee doo ... anywways .. .. after he left i went back to sleep cos i felt icky - only to wake up at noon feeling a little better -
Like always i hung out with my mom who isnt doing too well either - she has sa heartburn :( i think its from the sauce she had yesterday which she added a little too much vinegar too .. tsk tsk tsk she should have known better :P .. well long story short we had our usual afternoon chatter while she ate and i was frying fish crackers or 'keropok' ... Its a famous snack here in this region at least in Malaysia & Singapore .. Its basically made from fresh fish which is mashed and then sliced thinly after which they are left to completely dry before being packaged - the most famous and delicious fish crackers personally for me would be from Trengganu - its a fishing city with beaches all over - and i just love it! Its on the east of the malaysian peninsular.. Fish crackers need to be deep fried in very hot oil - when its all fluffed up its ready to be devoured ;)).. when were at my grandma's the domestic engineer would fry tins of it and it will finish pretty fast ;)) .. its nice eaten with rice or dipped in chillie sauce or eaten on its own ..
. before the deep frying
in the frying pan
after the frying pan crispy & yummy
Nasi Kicap Telor ...Its a malay word for a dish simply meaning rice in soy sauce with eggs lol wait that didnt come out right .. anyways its actually fried rice with soy n eggs nasi(rice) kicap(dark soy sauce) telor(eggs).. Its the simplest of dish though the not prettiest but its delish and quick to make too. Best eaten on its own or with fish crackers and cucumbers like in the picture below
that was my lunch and the only meal i had all day which i think its good cos i burned the carbs when i walked around at the mall earlier this evening .. Anyways i call it a lazy dish cos on days when im too lazy too cook ill just make this .. ;)) ... This is actually a dish from growing up too - a kids dish. our dishes were always spicy and as kid i couldnt take the heat so i was served this to make up for - i loved it as kid and still do - just one of those things that stick with ya ... and right now my near to 3 yr old niece and my cousin just love this .. There have been some improvisations made to the dish like adding sliced oniones and garlic or frying it with butter or ghee - but nothing beats the original .. welcome to my world of nasi kicap telor ....if anyones actually interested all you need to do is scramble the egg in a little oil , add the rice n soy sauce mix it all together and voila you get yourself a quick easy filling dish and since i am on a diet my portions was small this time round .. heeheee ..
So that was my day - went to the mall , then the post office to mail some things which seem like a very testy time for the clerks and the patrons.. It was after 5pm and i think only about 4 counters were opened and the que was pretty long on both sides - by the time it was my turn the printer ribbon hit a snitch ;)) .. poor lady she had to fix it and next to me was a lady who was asking all sorts of silly questions much to the agitation of the male clerk but he just kept on smiling - tho i know for a fact everyone else was cussin under their breath - i wonder if she noticed how long the que was ... ;)) .. I think holiday seasons are the most stressful for these workers - i hope they dont get too stressed out ..
The Amazing Race Asia is down to 6 teams(Thailand, 2 teams from Malaysia, Sri Lanka & Hong Kong) - 4 teams down which included Singapore and the other three were 2 teams from the Phillipines and India . The teams took to Singapore and Bangkok, Thailand on this leg of the race and luckily for the Malaysian team of Zabrina and Joejer ,who came in last ,this was a non elimination leg.
The rains falling again - i can hear it im so happy !!! Another nice night of sleep if i can get to sleep early enought heheee.. its nearly midnight, in Singapore and much of the region its 3 days to Christmas and everyones busy doing last minute shopping as the scene was at the mall ... Families get together, reunited after months of seperation, goodwill towards mankind - thats the spirit of Christmas and im glad so many of the people that i care about are getting that chance this year ...
Have a good one day night or morning! Blog ya laters world ..
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