dreams,rain & reality ...

As the rain falls this morning I suddenly remembered the song tears & rain by James Blunt. I actually heard it last night on Criminal Minds. I love the words to the song and when it rained this morning guess who was singing that song hahhaa ..ME! well actually humming if i sang anymore the rain would be pouring more heehee .... Well it’s a good morning with good things and little surprises and news from special someone’s always makes the day start on a more happy note rain and 'c' in the AM you cant really go wrong ..
I think my maternal side has come a calling again, this time in a form of a dream I had last night. I dreamt of twin babies and it wasn’t just one set but two and I remember the feeling of awe and joy while I looked at the babies. I really don’t know what triggered it. Anyways the babies looked really cute and adorable and they were so tiny I can still feel how soft they were – seems like the feeling of happiness and warmth is coming back again as I write this. For some reason that dream has really lifted my spirit. What can I say I love kids and I hope to have my own someday and maybe at my subconscious that’s what I have been thinking about and feel that is missing in my life I don’t know really or it could have been something I saw on tv or the fact that my cousin is expecting. It could be a set of many things – who knows but whatever it is I enjoyed my dream J .. Always a great thing to dream of babies though with it comes that coming back into reality and wanting to hold one in real and smell them and love them ..
Your sense of longing takes over you especially when it concerns individuals who are out of your reach – you hope yes but sometimes when life gets too overwhelming you wish there was that one person whose out of your reach whom you can touch feel knowing that they can take all the not so good feelings away. I think my emotions are on all time high and one thing triggers many other things – see never a good thing to keep everything bottled in hahaha but I am stubborn I like it that way and I like the little escapes I have in my mind – hey if Lisa Simpson can escape and dream of being a female president then I get escape into my own little world where things are always peachie ;)) ..
Just another morning of reflections .. time to go about my day not before a little inspiration
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