talk tuesday ...
Back to the present .. So right now its getting darker and I am hoping for rain but as its proven in the past few days it wont be making its appearance anytime soon so anyways ..
I woke up very early today too late I think so I decided to take a walk downstairs at the park. It seem like a nice sunny morning with the birds chirping and the breeze blowing gently – I took my book with me and my journal just incase that little but of inspiration comes to mind. I walked a couple of rounds lost in my own little world and then sat down on the bench to do some reading . I sometimes image that I am sitting by the water heh that’s the dreamer in me. I never realized how really pretty the park was – I walk past it everyday yet never pay that much attention but I really took notice today – I have been to other places around here but I am proud to say this is only place with such beautiful scenery. Sometimes I feel like im in the forest because of the trees and sometimes I am at the botanical gardens because of all the greenery.. In front of the bench there are patches of large pebbles for us to walk on – it’s actually for feet therapy and walking on the stones helps blood circulate better. When you’re sitting where you are its really easy to get lost – and your mind travels to people and places and mine to “C” seeing that I had a dream about him last night though I don’t remember all of it –I know it’s a recurring dream of him just standing there watching over me or something like he always does one of those you know – his presence felt and the feeling of just knowing he is there is comforting. There were probably bunch of other things which I dreamt about but I don’t remember just as well ;)) ..
I stayed there for a little while before going upstairs for breakfast – a simple breakfast of cinnamon rolls (again ;)) ) and soy milk … *drools*, did some laundry and of course got on the laptop and here I am :D blogging….
I think I am devoting today to writing reading and relaxing. I might go visit my aunt later this evening so we will see . oh oh I suddenly have a craving for soy latte ;)) resist resist resist *grin*..
Nothing much on the panda front this morning except that mei lan will be on tv tonight in
Alrighty then off to do other blog stuff and I end this with ..
I always prefer to believe that the best of everybody – it saves so much trouble ..
Laters world . ..
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