sleepy thursday morning ..

It’s a beautiful Thursday morning and I just got done frying rice. Its breakfast for me – I had some left leftover rice so I used some mixed vegetables, chili and onion paste, anchovy & chicken granules, a tad of soy sauce and some eggs ooops and cant forget the sliced onion and voila simplest fried rice well second simplest to the other fried rice anyways im rambling maybe cause I am sleepy yet I cant. I woke up at about 650 this morning and I couldn’t get back to sleep. I tossed and turned in bed and just when I was about to doze my mom called ;)) so there goes going back to bed so I took a shower, fried rice and here I am .. J ……
I am still a little bit blue this morning and it seems like so is ‘C”.. I received an email last night from him after I wrote him and I haven’t heard from him either. Seems like the both of us are in need of hugs. I do hope I hear from him before I leave for Johore just before noon today. Its probably a little early to be ready but I can just stroll the morning till then ;)) ..
I just realized that I didn’t remember my dream – I see faded images of my friends and I but that’s just about it – I think im just too tired to remember it heehee I don’t mind though probably wasn’t anything exiciting…
Today my aunt is making a special prayer session after the evening prayers. Its an all ladies affair and its women from her local mosque and some family members. Before that though in the afternoon we will be practicing for the henna night ;)). And I will be going to the tailor too over there so looks like I will be spending the whole day there I don’t mind because I can see grandma ;)) who has been wanting to go to her old house according to mom. Just the other day my cousin took her around just to make her happy cause she insisted on going to her old house, after driving for an hour my cousin told her that her old house has been demolished and she drove my grandmother home and when they got home she refuses to get out of the car, everyone tried to coax her and what not but she remained stubborn after about an hour she finally gave in but never gave up in asking to be taken to her new house. This time she asked my mom. It’s sad sometimes seeing her situation like that. She must really miss the old house and all the memories that it carried… and i think she gets lonely too and probably misses my grandad a great deal though sometimes she doesnt remember due to her dementia but most of the time she does ..never the less she is still as cute and beautiful as ever .. :)
My shoulder feels slightly better today when I got up to Johore going to ask the help to give my shoulder a little massage. My mom said that she is really good at what she did. Since the green hot oil is at my grandma’s im all set to be massaged with it ;)) .. it really works wonders I never really believed I until mom insisted that I used it for my back and she is right it does work. The initial heat is sharp but it slowly cools and that’s when you know its working …. :D
Anyways that’s it for now. No panda updates yet ;)) so I am headed to the pharmacy to get my little cousin his capsicum plaster and some back pain meds for me. Before I go as usual some words of wisdom this one was sent to be by Barb….
It's you I like,
It's not the things you wear.
It's not the way you do your hair,
But it's you I like.
The way you are right now
The way down deep inside you
Not the things that hide you
Not your diplomas...
They're just beside you.
But it's you I like,
Every part of you,
Your skin, your eyes, your feelings,
Whether old or new.
I hope that you'll remember
Even when you're feeling blue,
That it's you I like,
It's you yourself, it's you
It's you I like!
Its cute with a deep meaning of accepting and loving people for who they are .. J sweet .. so with that blog ya later world ..
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