just a bunch of blah blahs ..

So I get Criminal Minds like twice a week – minus the repeats on cable. Star world which is on cable and its showing Season 1 of the show whereas Channel 5 which is the local channel shows Season 2. I have finished watching all of Season 1 but I still enjoy watching it again and again much to the wonderment of some of my friends. They said why do watch it religiously? I would think the answers pretty plain and simple I enjoy how people use their minds to solve cases or this case find the killers. They are obviously good at what they do and when they look at a person they seem to be able to decipher what kind of person they are – freaky I wouldn’t want to be profiled that way lol lord knows what they might gather. Anyways, Sure I like CSI but given the choice I would choose Criminal Minds. My favorite character would be SSSA Jason Gideon – I think he gives the show lots of character. His character is played by Mandy Pantinkin who in his own right is an accomplished actor/performer/stage actor. He portrays his character really well and trust when I say I could pick his brains I would. In spite of his tough, seriously scary persona, his gentle caring side always seems to shine through and that’s evident when he smiles. What can I say I am a fan.
So before I get carried away I think I better switch gears. So today I cooked. I went from Indian to Arabic. These dishes seem to go well together. The Indian recipe is from a family friend from India and the Arabic dish is from my grandmother. The Indian dish is called Takra Dhall and the Arabic dish is called Daging Goreng Baba. I will post the recipes after this so I can give a clearer explanation of what they are.
I was watch Anthony Bourdain of ‘A cooks Tour’ and ‘No Reservations’ on the travel channel, I don’t why but he reminded of “C” not his physical or looks but I think his thirst for life, food and experience and his wit too. I was like gosh that is so like ‘C”. I see Bourdain doing things I think ‘C’ would do it too – call it curiosity call it a zest for life and all things new ;)) …
So anyways, today was another school day – same old, I have reports to write yuck but I make sure I finish them in school. Teacher’s day is next week – ahhh celebrating us teachings for our hardwork, dedication and patience and I mean a lot of patience …heehee. That falls on the last day of school – so kids can ditch their lessons for that day and have a little party.
Today my nephew Ali is a month old and he doesn’t look his age. When people visited him at his grandma’s house, everyone thought he was like already two months – because of his size and I because he could already roll to his side. I told my cousin this is a miracle baby ;)) .. I hope he doesn’t have the he doesn’t look his age thingy as he gets older – I wouldn’t want him to look older than a toddler hahah I know what a bad aunt :P but hey I love my nephew longtime ..
I think I have exhausted my brain cells for tonight. I am so tired … I think I am off to bed after this – no I know I am off to bed after this … too tired too think . nite nite world……
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