a sunday of daisies ..

Since I couldn’t go back to sleep I decided to take a little walk downstairs – in the newly paved park. They town council sure love their parks – they renovated the park about a month or so ago so now the paths are much much nicer to walk on – its no longer blue so I don’t see my little ocean from above – I see a red sand desert seeing that’s the color of the path… Anyways it was a nice walk – there were a whole lot of other people walking jogging too. Some elderly people were doing the tai chi – me I just walked around the path and sat for a little before coming up. Walking nice it helps to clear your already muddled head which got muddled again when I got up … what the lack of sleep does to you …
And back to the right track .. When I came upstairs I had my corn muffins from yesterday – I actually had 3 and a bottle of water . I am craving for a McDonalds breakfast (I know not the best of breakfast) but a sausage mcmuffin with egg sounds so good right now ;)) .. I shall control my cravings I shall I shall …
It’s either im watching too much television or they have been advertising way too many talent shows on television cause last night I dreamt about the talent quest Live The Dream. It’s a local talent show where the winning prize if I am not wrong is a concert show case and SGD40,000. Not too shabby ;)) Anyone who is wondering about the show here is the link
Back to the dream (my dream that is) – I dreamt that I was watching a whole bunch of people compete from the young people to the young at hearts – it was rather interesting because the final act decided to do a back flip as a finale – and she did it and mind you she was a lady in her 50’s hahah me I was just there watching lol lurking in awe … note to self :- move away when they have a talent show ad on tv ……
Anyways I am having dreams of ‘C’ lurking around again I don’t know why . One those dreams where you feel is his presence – and you know he is around just watching – I think he carries the guardian angel role in my dreams pretty well.. even when he isn’t too happy with me at least he didn’t chase me or kick my ass in my dreams *grins* so just lurking is just fine heehee .. then again ……………..
As the entry indicates I am in the mood for daisies the plain white daisies and of course my all time favorite gerbera daisies. I even found a lavender daisy which I have never heard of. Its really pretty and since I like soft tones of purple it of course appealed to me. Here is a picture of the pretty purple gerbera …
I found a gorgeous picture of clumped up gerbera daisies in very bold colors – it stands out it spells business. I did a little art on it and came up with this … I used it as my 360 background seeing I was in the mood for colors. I included a quote about desire in the picture – the quotes so inspiring and when I look at my page I see that quote everyday it reminds me of keep going after my desires no matter what hurdles are along the way – easier said than done but as the saying goes Rome wasn’t built in a day .. so here it is my 360 background …..
I think I have rambled on long enough … Hmmm someone asked me if I ever shut up – I guess not :P …….. I speak my mind whatever it is that comes to mind , more than I should hah – I think the more im expected to shut up the more I tend to ramble on n or not … don’t blame me blame the brain … :P but consider yourself lucky .. criminal minds is about to come on and I enjoy watching the profilers on this Sunday AM but I promise I will be back .. so this is me blogging off with words by one of my favorite authors a lady who dares speaks her mind … Anais Nin ..
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