thoughts & opinions

I enjoy surfing the web and I enjoy reading other people’s blogs. I have been around 360 quiet extensively and I find some very interesting reads and then there is the drama which really amuses me not in the best of ways of course and of course you find all the conceit ness and arrogance of some people who think they are better than anyone else. First up its chat room battering. I find it funny how they take it so seriously and actually the time to cut and paste chat room messages into their blog just to show prove justify or whatever they want to call it. Sad to say this is mostly done by women - aren’t we here to have fun? To learn to make new friends instead of bitching or moaning about one another or fighting for guys hahah – sometimes it feels like high school all over again when I read the blogs that involve this kind of a situation. What really surprises me about this is how they go through all the trouble to cut and paste conversations into their blogs – I guess some people just love the drama … maybe the wrong kind of drama .. Anyways I was at a friend of friend’s blog today and I saw something that really got me pissed off. In a lot of ways it affirms my perception if you could call it of professionals. If my memory serves right, she is currently dating a Southern gentlemen a redneck whatever you want to call it. Off comes this lawyer I think someone who claims he works on wall street – and said something like and I quote’ I don’t think a classy woman like yourself can make a great couple with a simple cowboy’ ………… honestly who he is to think that way right? In this day and age some people think they way above everyone else – that their little piece of paper is an indication that they are better. Anyways I just needed to let that out …. What has happened to humility I ask you ?
Not exactly the way I want to start my blog today, but I guess I needed to let it out. I am little miss trying to save the world lol and I guess things like that do get to me. Call me an idealist …..
Tonight I wanted to watch to watch God’s Warriors a CNN special report by Christiane Amanpour. She did a coverage on Jewish Warriors, Muslim Warriors & Christian Warriors. Here is a synopsis of the show ..
CNN Presents: God’s Warriors
A Synopsis
Protestors who kill for their religious beliefs. “Patriot Pastors” who seek to change American culture through the ballot box. Zealots who target prime ministers and presidents with assassination for “subverting God’s will.” Parents who reject science education in conflict with their religious principles. Suicide martyrs who are revered as iconic heroes. These are “God’s Warriors” of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. They see contemporary society as corrupt and view themselves as the front line of defense in a battle for cultural supremacy and political power. They are changing the world.
CNN chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour journeyed to seven countries over seven months to report for God’s Warriors, a CNN Presents worldwide television event about the global phenomenon of religious fervor upon politics, culture and public life. During six hours broadcast over three consecutive nights, CNN will reveal how “God’s Warriors” want to bring religion back from the periphery to the center of public life – and how far they are willing to go to transform modern society.
God’s Warriors includes thought-provoking interviews with former U.S. President Jimmy Carter; the late Rev. Jerry Falwell in his last television interview; Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Muslim women’s rights advocate; Yehuda Etzion, a founder of the Israeli settlement movement; and Israeli President Shimon Peres.
It is a 2 hour show so my lack of patience having to watch issues like that on television led me to skip it and maybe catch it again when they play it again a few days down the road. More on God warriors can be found here ………….
Another reason I think I didn’t really make an effort to watch was probably I am a firm believer of not using religion as an excuse to justify ones cause. How politics & religion don’t mix and neither should culture and religion. It should all be two separate things.
I was watching a report on news out of Iraq and they featured a story about 5 year old Youssif who was doused with gasoline by unknown assailants. I think ill post a separate blog entry about him seeing just how heart wrenching his story is …… so till then I am out of here for the night .. I think I have done enough ‘expressing’ for the night if you could call that … maybe tomorrow the world would be a little nicer .. I can only wish …
But before I do I think ill end my blog on a lighter note ..
So it was dreams of the bluest oceans and clear beaches for me. My kind of dream. I was swimming and there were beautiful silver fishes and I was actually walking on the sand bed looking at corals and little colorful fishies and then poof suddenly I was in my kitchen making pandan cupcakes … *raises eyebrows*. So I wonder what my dream was trying to tell me then I realized I was so caught up in recipes and cakes and in trying out new recipes recently, and then I was looking at some vacation destinations which involves islands far away – I just think that my mind has tons of unprocessed information …… so whats new right?
The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.” - author unknown
Nite world ….
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