It’s a Girl on a mission. This time is an attack of the good kind of course on books - Setting a goal to read 5 books in three months. Its 3 months till the end of the year. And seeing the school holidays are coming up in November, seven weeks of holiday with no plans so I think books would be part of that no plans school holidays. I decided to make a definite list of books that I want to ready by year end. I was actually inspired to this by a list I found on Oprah of 5 books that we should read at least once. I figured id change mine to Books I want to Read By end 2007’. Books that inspire, moves me, feeds the soul, sets my passion on fire & take me to places in my mind and these five books is that. Seeing that my book wish list is growing longer and longer I figured this is the best way to attempt to read them all by setting goals but it seems when I take off 5 I add in 7 *rolls eyes* sounds like a diet don’t it ..
I have included that list as well as mine. 5 books to read in 3 months seems ambitious seeing work, cakes, writing & family are included in that time span but I will try. (Remember I am a girl on a mission ;)) ) The books are arranged in no order of preference. I have added another book for the just in cases. So that’s six and my goal is to read five.
I will start off with the list on Oprah before going to mine. I didn’t do the synopsis for these just because. But if anyone wants to know more about these books you can go to either or
By Vince Passaro
The wisest poetry, the most extraordinary prose: five top-shelf books that will blow open your understanding of the world.
by Vladimir Nabokov
It blows open a new understanding of the world, its gorgeousness, its corruption and pain, all embedded in the 20th century's most extraordinary English prose.
Four Quartets
by T.S. Eliot
This is the most musical and wisest poetry in the language of our time and place. (Short of that, The Complete Poems 1927–1979, by Elizabeth Bishop.)
The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of the Fourth Century translated by Thomas Merton
We all sometimes need to imagine what it would be like to live simply and purely, dedicated to a force larger than ourselves.
Waiting for Godot
by Samuel Beckett
We need to remember that just because we're sad, that doesn't mean we're not also marvelously comical and transcendently courageous.
Things Fall Apart
by Chinua Achebe
This, the first in Achebe's monumental and unsparing trilogy of Igbo life in western Africa, is the strongest and most important novel of the postcolonial world.
Books I want to Read by end 2007
1. The Witch of PortobelloBy Paulo Coelho
2. Infidel By Ayaan Hirsi Ali
3. Eat, Pray, Love By Elizabeth Gilbert
4. Pay it Forwardby Catherine Ryan Hyde
5. NightBy Elie Wiesel’s
6. Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez and Kristin Ohlson
I am starting with Eat, Pray & Love J .. The synopsis of these books is on the previous blog ‘ A synopsis of the five’
A cuppa, a cosy corner, a good book – would anyone like to join me in a journey of discovery and far away places through the mind, through imagination spirit & soul ? :)
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