Groovy Island Girl interesting finds.good & bad times.friends.people.what matters.what doesnt.what nots - in this journey of life of an island girl in an island state.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A Brief Moment

YOu get a brief moment and you cherish as if its your last moment with them .. because you dont know if or when you will see them again. That such is life....... or not.... One brief moment....... of how are you's, of im sorry when there could be so much more to say but due to time constrain that is all we can say ...... yet in the mind and in the heart there is so much more to say bu its just hard to get everything down in words and all we are left to go with are the dots ....................................................................... the dots that say nothing but means something.....

Feelings emotions ..... sometimes i think if you feel something strongly enough for someone you can sense a lot of things... coincidence or whatever you call it i dont know. But sometimes a feeling, a thought can bring about so much...... Admists playing tetris, i suddenly felt 'c' being around and something prompted me to say something to him - then lo and behold i got a message... dont know what to call it but it happened ... like i said maybe if you felt so much for someone something like that is bound to happen .....

He is on a big base somewhere on God forsaken land.... and its good to see him - again he is doing ok for now and till next time its back to thinking praying and hoping that everything will be ok with him .................

Prior to today emotions and thoughts were more intense and its got nothing to do with the moon or pms heheee..... You yearn and long for someone - and the whole not knowing in that big somewhere out there... and in your heart you wish unconsisouly for an answer to your question ... and you finally get it ......if only for a brief moment .....

In that brief moment you realize you hold back on the important words .... like i love you .........

Today was many dots day ....................... .................. many many many dots ..............


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