International Day of Peace 2006

Anyways looking at the state the world is in i wonder if peace can ever be attained - we have conflicts around the world, conflicts among races in our own country and conflicts within ourselves.... I have probably ranted about this a million times but - why cant people just get along .. egos, diffrences should all be left at the door .. we have a bigger battle on our hands and that is the battle of the elements - natural calamaties, poverty, aids, child exploitation - these are battles we should are rally together for not the war on religion, race - i am aiming not to a specific group of people but to humanity on the whole - killing and suicide bombings are not the answers to the worlds problems.. call me an idealist but thats how i see it - anwyays ... .. the media dont seem to be paying much attention to it either - i was watching the news for most of the night and nothing on the international day of peace was covered maybe ill wait till tomorrow and see if anything will be on .. All i see on the news is the nations trying to oust out prime ministers, the iraqi conflicts, the conflict between israel & palestine, the coup in Thailand -... what happened to the international day of peace? .. Maybe ill find out on tomorrows news...
Anyways i found this weblink that has information about this day and here is a just a gist of it... So what is an international day of peace?
it is .......
What: The International Day of Peace provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of Peace on a shared date. Use the International Day of Peace annually to highlight the Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001 to 2010. Established by a United Nations resolution in 1981, the International Day of Peace was first celebrated September 1982.
When: Annually, 21 September - The International Day of Peace
Where: Wherever you are.
Who: You and all who care about building Cultures of Peace for the children of this and future generations.
Why: To mark our individual and collective progress toward building Cultures of Peace, and serve as a reminder of our permanent commitment to Peace, above all interests and differences of any kind.
Individuals and Nations, acting in concert, DO make a difference in the quality of our lives, our institutions, our environment and our planetary future. Through cooperation, we manifest the essential Spirit that unites us amid our diverse ways.
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