Happy Children's Day to all the kiddies and the kiddies at heart .......Today being 1st October its actually Children's Day. Im not sure if its the same world wide but over here today is the day - to celebrate cute little kids - the future of this world .. The ones who can actually teach us a thing or two about life. Children what would we do without them. Its never a dull moment with them around :)I think about the children here in Singapore and the children elsewhere in peaceful lands - how fortunate they are - being able to have their chidlhood - not having to grow up before their time and when we were kids too we were lucky .. they have food on the table, the right to an education regardless of being male or female, a roof over their heads, toys and people who love them ..
Then i think about the children who are abused, whose parents fight constantly and they seem to in the middle of it , how children are exploited in sweat shops, exploited sexually and that just breaks my heart - children who are ripped of their childhood and made to grow up and with that carrying a burdern a scar throughout their lives .. if they choose to live that long .... Then there are the street children who fend for themselves live out on streets - where are the parents and the people who are suppose to help these kids?
Then there are children who are victims of natural disasters - hurricances, earthquakes ... all victims all needing a sense of reason on why things happen to them .. DO they fathom how do they deal and cope with such a drastic change in their lives?
Then there are the children of war .... conceived in war growing up in war .. I wonder if they even know what is happening around them .. Pictures paint a thousand words but it doesnt show the pain of these little children who have lost more than their childhood.. They have lost parents siblings cousins aunts and uncles, seen people blown up or shot infront of them and only God knows what other things they have witnessed at a young age .. Behind that smile is some bad experience but kids being kids they manage to stay kids - laughing and playing - i have heard stories coming out of war zones of how the children are - and its really touching and sweet .. how friendly they are .. and sometimes shy and untrusting but eventually coming around .. Kids give them time and they stick to you like glue .
Children no matter where in the world deserve to be kids and treated like kids - given the care, attention and love and that time to be themselves. They should never be victims of the adults agenda.. They deserve respect like any adult .. and given that extra tender loving care .. If you have children appreciate them show them you care, give them a hug, hug your friends kid, your family's , show them security and comfort and as for the other children lets hope for a better future for them - a future of peace of no wars a future of smiles and laughter and a life better than this .......that security and comfort will be there for them.......
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