Welcoming October..

Its a beautiful though hazy Sunday afternoon - 8th day into the fasting month and i can hear mr ice cream man downstairs sounding his bell..... - he is like the traditional ice cream man he sells ice cream i basically grew up on- before they use to come on bicycles and now its the motorized tri cycle or a van.. They have scoop ice cream or cut up ice cream - these are ice creams in blocks and they cut them into rectangular shapes and put them inbetween wafers, on a cone, in a cup or in between bread - ice cream with bread is too die for .. so damn yummy ..flavors range from local like red bean coconut jackfruit durian to things like chocolate vanilla chocolate mint strawberry ripple .. and its really cheap too ..heh hail hail the ice cream man .....
Food for today is samosas for starters with some local cakes in small bite size pieces. Today mom did most of the cooking i just did the washing up and frying of the samosas and potato cakes.The main dish is my moms favorite which is called soto ayam .. its actually a put to gether dish - you have the soup and the accompanyments - soto is loosely translated as soup and ayam is chicken so basicall chicken soup heh.. In the soup there are of course spices and beef stock and chillie which gives it its kick .. and then there is the other foods that you put in the soup - rice cakes, potato cakes, shredded chicken and top it off with fried shallots,bean sprouts, scallions and chillie - chillie padi (kinda like japalenos and regular chillies) all blended together .. its goood ..Its also very filling .. even though its a soup based dish. My mom could have this for like two or three days .. i usually get tired after having it for lunch and dinner and lunch of the next day but not my mom .. she is a soto ayam junkie ... *grin* ...
My aunt came over with some mango pudding so dinner is served .... well at 659pm today.....
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