Weddings Galore

Here goes the list ……..
In late May a relative is getting married – like always I only know the mothers name. I know the daughters but not really close but when we do meet at weddings and such there is that usual conversations.. I think to see the rationale of attending the wedding of those not so close to you there is that need to understand the relationship between the community and it dates back to ancestors – the friendships forged between the older generations. So that is brought over to the present time … hence regardless because of those ties we have to turn up …This wedding will be in Singapore ..
Fatma is my first cousin, my mom’s younger brother’s daughter. She would be the second daughter to get married. Her wedding will be in Johore, Malaysia
Next will my first cousin Mariam – honestly don’t know the grooms name – but shes getting married in June too – - on the 9th ..Her wedding will be in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Fatma and Nawi’s wedding will be that following week on the 16th …
Then there is a close relatives grand daughter – honestly I don’t know her granddaughters name nor her mom but I know the grandmother lol .. she is a really nice lady – she is one those ladies whom you meet and you get a warm feeling. Sometime who is right across the room but you will make that effort to greet her. I think her sincerity just shines through – so going to the wedding will be well worth for it for her sake. She would also be the lady who will be cooking for my cousins wedding.
On the 10th of June is the wedding of my second cousin – another one that cannot be missed – her mom is really close to my mother – her mom actually helped her make cakes in her younger days – another compulsory wedding … Since her wedding is a day after my first cousin there is that need to leave extra early from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sunday …
It would have been so much easier if the weddings were all in Singapore … but that’s not the case – two are in Malaysia and another two in Singapore - Lord have mercy its just as confusing as im typing this blog entry lol..
Anyways in July my friend in Kuala Lumpur is getting married too so that will be another trip to there …
After this I think ill be all wedding out ….
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