end of mini monday

That is so true of how things have been for me of late. I think its pms I think im just thinking a little too much about things and it could be it has been a pretty emotionally draining time and getting older and wondering and what not hahahaha @ me .. im just being a baby I think I need a hug someone to tell me that everything will be ok….
My aunt is doing slightly better x-rays were done today and there is no change so she is currently going for physiotherapy and I think will be in the hospital for a few more days. They doctors are deciding to either increase her meds dosage or decrease it depending on how her body reacts to it these next few days .. I like the view of the sunset from the wing of her hospital room ;)) .. Its really pretty in the evenings. I like to stand out at the bi g windows and watch the sunsets lol . I call it a holiday and a hospital visit rolled into one. There is also a pretty view of the garden from her window six floors down – so seriously visiting here isn’t all that bad ;)) ..
Well anyways another day has passed and I took the free shuttle service for the first time from the hospital (
My to do list didn’t quite get done as much as I wanted it too. I think sleeping in and cooking just took up most of the time and that didn’t leave me enough time to go to the tailor nor go to town so I might do them either tomorrow or the day after. I rang up the tailor and they cant sew the design I wanted so I have to send it to another tailor in Johore, Malaysia she said she can get it done by the wedding day so that’s where I ill be heading on Thursday for the henna night rehearsal and some prayer sessions - killing 3 birds with one stone .. ;)) tailor, rehearsal and prayers ..
Today I was craving for French fries ;)) so I made a quick stop at McDonalds and got me some lol I actually wanted wrinkle fries but since McDonalds was the closes place with fries I had to settle for it. I think tomorrow I will the frozen crinkle fry. I like how when its fried its crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside ;)) .. And I don’t add salt to mine just dip in sauce and im ready to roll ;)) but of course after all that fries I drank some green tea ;)) so its balanced out .
I just realized that I have avoided the news of late lol either that or I am just too busy and when I do sit in front of the television its when my favorite shows are on .. hahhah usually id flip channels and end up at the news channel. Even the yahoo news online I don’t look at it much maybe except for the pandas ;)) ..
So that’s it time to reply some emails read a little and maybe go to bed early today cause I am a little tired .. so that’s it for now . good night world ..
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