colors on friday

Yellow sparks off creativity and a citrus scent energizes and I got that going on with my pen J .. Its cheap its so darn comfortable to write with and it has sparked some creativity or should I say motivation for me. I love stationery and a good pen always helps me pen away for hours or jot down little notes. When I read something online, I usually have a little pen in hand so I can note down things and sometimes when you read, it seems your mind starts to come out with ideas of its own so that’s when I start jotting things down it helps me with my blogs too. I love to write and sometimes my mind works overtime – it thinks and thinks and thinks – it’s probably a good thing though sometimes I think that’s why I wear myself out for no reason… Back to my pen – it cost me a dollar yes it’s that cheap – it has a 0.38mm tip – I prefer the 0.5mm tip but for some reason this one seems really comfy to write with. It has a nice firm grip ..hmm I think I will get another today … I think what’s cool about the pen is the scent of lemon it gives out. I didn’t know what the orange picture was doing on the pen figured it was a logo or something but I realize now that that’s the smell of the ink hahahah .. Thank the Japanese for having cool ideas like that.. anyways .. When I got home, I realized that the color of the pen matches the yellow on my journal/ notebook – something which I just bought too. It’s a flowery journal I bought at Times Bookstore ..
It’s a cute little thing with pink flowers on it - big bold flowers which I love. It fits in my handbag perfectly and makes it easy for me to write in it even when I am on the train or the bus. You know how my mind is – so thoughts come around a lot at weird times too .. anyways .. so that and my very bulky green organizer goes into my handbag. Sometimes I leave the organizer at home and jot my to do’s in my little journal. So it does serve a dual purpose .. anyways as anyone can see I get excited when I talk about journals and stationeries ;)) …
Another Friday passes and another school week comes to an end. This week was an ok week – I am slowly getting out of my rut knock on wood. Sometimes even I cant explain what’s been happening to me – I think I am going a major transition period in my life when I start to question things life people purpose in general and sometimes there are experiences in your life that prompts you to do just that .. it isn’t a bad thing I don’t think – maybe its about getting our perspectives and priorities in order or maybe I am just growing up – I don’t mind it really cause in my heart I am still a kid at heart – trust me my mom would concur heehee. I just wished I had that voice of reason that voice from a distant land who has always adviced and knock me in the head though literally around .. maybe its my fault that that voice is hiding I don’t know .. I sure miss having him around .. out of all the people in the world he seems to know me best .. anyways ..
It rained today heavy windy rain I really like it. It lifted my spirits up – I know there is something about the rain that connects to me. I mean I get scared when there is thunder and lighting but when the rain comes it’s a whole different story. Its like life – you have all the fears, anxiety and anticipations only to have it welcome with happiness and smiles – now if only I could keep reminding myself that that is how life is .. ;)) ..
So that’s it from me .. wanted to share my cute yellow pen – it needed a taste of the spotlight for a bit .. but before I do blog off I have to type these words to a song by Michael buble that hasn’t left my head all week .. ;)) .
‘its you that make me sing, you’re every word, you’re every line, cause you’re my everything la la la la .. '
I added the la la la for effect ;)) ‘ Its sung with you know who you are in mind … inspite of what he might be thinking .....
Nites world ..
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