Groovy Island Girl interesting finds.good & bad times.friends.people.what matters.what doesnt.what nots - in this journey of life of an island girl in an island state.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

all about sunday..

It’s a Sunday night, thunder and rain, and today the long weekend ends. Tomorrow it’s back to kids. I think I have recharged myself a little – slowly getting out of the place that I didn’t like to be in. I found my wit again and my sense of self I hope it sticks around – I need the energy for work and with Ramadan just around the corner I need that energy to help mom with the cakes & cookies. Anyways..

I love tonight though sometimes the sound of thunder scares me the sound of the rain seems to sooth – the smell of the rain the feel of it – though I am not right under it – I cant help but feel there is something familiar and comforting about the rain. With the rain pouring night I am pretty sure it will be a cooling night – best kind of weather to get a good nights sleep.

I still have a running nose though not as bad but my throat seems to be acting up more hopefully I would have my voice when I get to work tomorrow. Don’t need to be talking in deep husky voice to the kids hahaha.. I think like them I dread Monday – lets face it there is a Garfield in all of us but as the day progresses we start to like it..

In spite of the bad throat I did the unthinkable and ate longans. Its in season now and boy are they good especially the ones from Thailand. The skin is thick and it’s so darn sweet. It’s a well known tropical fruit .. it has a semi hard skin and when you break it it reveals a transparent like fruit which is sweet. The skin of the longan is kept wet for what reason I don’t know. I like to keep the fruit in the fridge cause when you eat it cold its double the deliciousness…
If anyone is wondering what longans are here is a picture …….

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Longan is known to cause a dry throat or heatiness – this I hear from other people but maybe it does because you throat tend to get dry and that explains why I am coughing more … but then I doubt that’s the case (talk about denial ;)) )

“C” is back in Iraq and I if my memory serves me correctly he has been back a week now. We emailed to and fro for a tad then he went to bed. He seems tired and a little down but I hope he feels better soon because I don’t like him upset – especially when he is away from home. Don’t you sometimes wish you have the power to make everything better for the people who mean a lot to you? “C” s birthday is next month he shares a birthday with Mei Lan the panda cub who will turn 1 on September 6th – so sweet isn’t it .. Just as well seeing that he is as cute as mei lan .. heehee.. Anyways …..
Today I didn’t do much, read, get stuff ready for school tomorrow and surfing the website for information and looking for a blueberry tartlet recipe. I have searched high and low but can’t find a recipe that incorporates cream cheese blueberries lemon and pastry. I tasted the tart when I was at my grandma’s. Apparently it was given to to my aunt from one of her friend’s friend. So I don’t think it would right for me to ask for the recipe right heehee so I decided to hunt for it .. So if anyone has a recipe of that blueberry tartlet with a hint of lemony taste please share ……….. :D

I found this really cool cooking site called netcooks. It has all sorts of recipes and I especially like the converter feature. It converts measurements for the ingredients. Have you ever come across a situation when you get a recipe that calls for this and that but you’re not sure what it is seeing you don’t have the right measuring equipment? This page would sure help.

Another great feature is the cooking terms & substitution links and there is also an international recipe feature which is always a plus. So for you cooking buffs or cooking baby here is the link ..

And so that’s it from me .. I am getting into the hang on blogging again .. so maybe there will be more if I can make time for it ;)) so before I blog off here is a little quote I think its appropriate for me personally it’s a start to what I hope better times & experiences ……..

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” – Oscar Wilde


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