Saturdays ......

Yesterday was a really long day ( work in particular kind of made if an extremely long day and there are other personal issues - i guess thats why i chose not to blog - didn’t feel like it .. I dont know ... sometimes you just dont feel like writing even though you want to - i probably dont make sense then again that’s just the story of my life . But on the bright side, you have friends who in their own direct way make you smile and they stick by you. One such friend is my friend Ob – she’s the sweetest nicest and innocent person I know. She is from Thailand. There is a lot to be said for her sincerity. If you’re looking for genuine, she is it .. Then is Maria – shes young and she remind me of a little kid ever so eager to learn and she is a real sweet girl she is from the Phills. A student nurse if my memory serves me correctly. Then there is Ann, shes from Malaysia. I really look up to her – feels like I can learn a lot from her. Shes like an older sister I never had though she doesn’t look anything over 21 – if you go to her profile you will see what I mean heehehee I enjoy her blogs and the fact that she actually makes time to read her friends blogs or go and visit her friends pages , she takes an interest in her friends .. Anyways these are the three people that made what seem like a long day a little shorter – so thanks girls I love you!
Today is Lun Lun’s birthday! She is Mei Lan’s mom – just so everyone knows I am talking about pandas :P see that little cute panda on my photo page that’s her and its her mom’s birthday so HappY Birthday Panda Mom! Heehee.. Its been a while since I wrote about Mei lan . t I wanted to share this story from panda cup updates – its so cute. I like a sneaky panda cub - so here is a real short but very cute story on her ….
Friday, August 24
Can anyone guess what tomorrow is? It is Lun Lun's 10th birthday! So, everyone wish her a happy b-day tomorrow.
It has been cute over the last week in the morning when Lun Lun is trying to eat her a.m. biscuits on the scale. Mei Lan has discovered a way to sneak herself in and steal a biscuit or two away from mom. I still do not know how she has been doing it without Lun getting mad, because Lun loves her biscuits. All you see is Mei at the bowl of food, then all of a sudden she’s "running" away with a biscuit in her mouth, trying to find a corner to eat in. Mei is one sneaky little girl.
Joseph T. Svoke
Giant Panda Keeper II
In recent days it’s been plentiful days of discoveries, learning, questioning and well trying to make sense of it all. I don’t know but my cousins death in many way changed my out look and perspective on life – it altered many parts of my life. Sometimes it’s good sometimes its not. I know I am going through something but I am not sure what it is .. Grieving process maybe? I don’t know really One thing I know my highs are way highs and my lows way lows but I still manage to pick myself up in spite of it all so I would think that is something good. It’s hard to explain to people closest to you and if anything I don’t talk about it with them – why I don’t know. But I know I am more focused to do things, my priorities are more in place and I really know what I want now – not so bad is it ?
Sometimes when you write an honest letter to someone – and you say its everything, yet you leave some parts out for safety reasons or no reason at all and yet you feel that was what needed to be known to begin with yet you don’t know if you should write another letter focusing on the part you left out – hah im confusing myself maybe I am just speaking in codes maybe “C” knows what im talking about .. anyways .
I just found this beautiful quote.. Wouldn’t it be great to have found someone like that and experience something like this …….
I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever.- Amy Tan
That’s it for now .. Time to look at other people’s works of art ;)) … so till later have a great Saturday world! Keep the peace spread the love!
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