Book Tags
I love books. Just one of my favorite things. I could be like Oprah start my own Iffa’s Favorite Things website hehee.. anyways, I love to read them and own them as with many other people I am sure. I remembered splurging my first paycheck on books which always made me really happy.
Over the years and in between moving from grandma’s to grandma’s and finally my own and my own place (yeah I moved twice) I have built quit a collection. I was told I still had books over at grandma’s – have to make a note to pick those up….
Anyways to the point of this blog entry, as an extensive a collection as I have I have realized that books which I loan to friends and family don’t seem to make it back to my library which honestly irritates and sometimes I don’t even remember who I loan them too. I remembered once actually treating my book collection like a library with me as the librarian taking notes on who loaned what and when but then I figured it was not right to do so .. I trust that friends and family would return them back but hey they don’t well anyways …
I was going through my stuff old journals and stuff I found these cute little book tags – I am not wrong it was from an old issue of Oprah. It’s a nifty little idea. It has quotes on reading and books and at the end of it, it has a little name identifier .. “From the Library of ……” I guess this way your books don’t get lost and whoever borrowed it will be reminded to return back.
You must be wondering why make a big deal – well I love my books as much as I love writing and honestly speaking I haven’t tagged my books – why? I don’t know. Just because I suppose.. But if anyone is keen on it you can use it using colorful construction paper and colorful markers. Come to think of it ‘Post Its’ works great too. I think you can design it or change the name identifier slogan to whatever you want. Just a thought …
Just in case anyone is wondering what I am rambling on about well here is a picture of it ..
Cute huh .. Anyways if I decided to tag my books ill probably post a picture of it here .. and if anyone else does please can I see? …. *grin*
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