full 'flower' moon

Another work day only it’s midweek and it feels like a Monday. I guess it’s normal especially when there is a public holiday in the middle of the week. So today was like any other except the countdowns on to the school holidays and I would reckon anything teacher reading this can relate. The weather was rather warm though I wished the rain last night had gone on all day and all night like in Malaysia like a friend of mine said its raining tiger and wolves seeing the heavy rained scared the cats and dogs away just how cute is that ..
Anyways it’s the night of the full moon – May 2nd 2007. Apparently there is going to be another full moon on May 13th 2007. It happens every two to three years and its something I just found out. I guess my moods will be erratic twice this month among other things…. The full moon is called Full ‘Flower’ Moon – it sounds pretty to me. I know the effects of the moon but I am not very astrologically incline but I guess I love nature flowers the moon personally for me it paints a beautiful picture a place that I can go to in my mind which is serene and colorful and vibrant. During the full ‘flower’ moon in most areas of the world flowers are in abundant. I’m prone to be more sensitive and emotional during this time hmmmmmmmm .. ;)) .. Anyways this full moon is also known as the milk moon and full corn moon . Interesting to note isn’t it ..
The full moon is just overhead yet I can see it only the rays peeking out from the dark clouds. It is going to rain tonight for sure another nice night to sleep and cuddle with my bear and fishJ) how depressing is that kidding.. Even though the moon is not visible the sky is still beautiful – reds, silvers, grey almost magical.. Its not as warm as it was this morning actually a nice night to be out by the beach if only ……
I watched an interview on CNN where Larry king interview Oprah. They talked about the power of the mind and the desires. I think it was from the book secrets. If I am not wrong its about harnessing you wants through your mind and you can actually get that want. I have heard of it – I would think that’s where the phrase be careful what you wish came from who knows right .. Sometimes when you think it , it happens and that’s why we should just think of the positives instead of the negatives because ever so often we have no confidence on certain things and we think the negative and it happens .. lesson learnt …
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