of saturdays & what nots ...

This morning was an early morning for me too. Went to send over some cakes and put up the wedding cake for the wedding I will be attending this afternoon. I loved the décor it had fresh jasmines and red roses, rose petals everywhere – the place smelled great and the décor was maroon with touches cream. It was very elegant – there is something about dark red that really spells grandeur. That was the color my cousin opted for her wedding next month but she has since changed it to a soft green so that’s that. Anyways ….
I finally heard from “C” this morning and he is doing alright though by the looks of it he has lot a bit of weight I guess they are working him hard. But I am just glad he is going alright safe and what not. I sometimes forget how much I worried about him before until something like this week happened and it made me realize a lot of things but the bottom line is that he is ok. So that’s one less worry.
Mei Lan was a goof ball yesterday on panda cam. I’m known to be a goof ball and now I have company just how sweet is that lol.. There was a picture of her goofing off in the panda updates. Her mom was sound asleep and I would think she jumped on her mom and lay on her back she looked cute though playful little thing. so while moms sleep mei lan goofs off lol who would have guessed a panda being that way but anyways here is a picture of mei lan goofing off ..

Pic credits: zoo atlanta
As much as the panda cam sucks what little movement I could see of the pandas was moving and cute . Lun Lun is fast asleep on the structure and little well not so little baby mei lan is propped up behind her. They look really adorable. I hope the panda cam watchers manage to get a still of that cause its really adorable I couldn’t help giggling seeing that.. I hope next week would deem better for the panda cam on my side of the world. So I am keeping my fingers crossed for that …
You know they say that your dreams try to tell you something well I think mine is telling me to stop watching television or else they will come and haunt me over and over again lol or they could be telling me that people around me are not always who they seem they are. I say this because I dream about the military, experiments and hybrids and captives OH MY GOD my dreams were weird with a capital W. I dreamt that the military was doing experimentation on people and that some of these people were only human including the guy who talked to me. I remember him so well. But he did saving me in the dream and he was a hybrid. When I woke up I was wondering about it then I realized I was watching Invasion the day before ha-ha see what I mean.. I think the whole military bit came into play only because I have been the news a little too much so when everything gets trapped in your mind well what you get are weird dreams…. Anyone like the television show Invasion? Well I do lol well my dreams are not going to deter me from watching TV or the news but the good thing that came out is that I was saved. But it was actually a little scary too because you could feel yourself being chased and then there was someone trying to kill you and you watch the person who was trying to safe you die when you don’t even know them. Oh well its all a dream I will probably forget it soon and it probably means nothing or something. Who knows?
Saved by the telephone time to head out to the wedding reception have a great weekend world. Smell ya later..
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