talk thursday

I like Thursday nights as I do most nights of the weekends seeing many of my favorite shows are on this week being Prison Break and Law & Order:SVU. It seems last week was the last week of ‘Without a trace’ but I can still catch it on cable. I am not much of a couch potato but I do enjoy some good television programs like the ones I mentioned above and then there is CSI. Though I enjoy them all but I think CSI Las Vegas is the best of the lot. It intrigues me how they solve cases with the evidence gathered – I think you need to real smart and meticulous to do work like that. Well for regular folks like me it’s just interesting watching it and the things you can learn from them. I also enjoy Criminal Minds – it fascinates how these people work getting into the minds of serial killers and psychopaths it makes for an interesting watch. Speaking of television shows I had my share of it my dreams last night *rolls eyes*. I don’t know why I dreamt about it but I did I woke up like whoa lol what the heck just happened? *giggles* . I know Collin Farrell was in my dream and Enrique Murciano and I am not a fan of either. I was trying to solve a case with Farrell and running away from baddies with Murciano and suddenly it was Pirates of the Caribbean. It was a weird adventure solving I do remember Murciano’s slender fingers lolol .. well what can I say a mans hands has appeal (ooopsssss did I just say that :O )) – Its probably because when its holding yours it gives you that sense of security makes you feel safe. Anyways the weird surprised me but I managed to figure out why I had those dreams for the most part they showed SWAT on television and I watched like 10mins of it because I have watched it before. And then there is this whole advertisements bit with Pirates of the Caribbean – the Volvo promotion and how they keep playing it over and over again on television. I think unconsciously they slip into our minds and BOOM its dreamtime and these fictional characters visit you in your dreams. I can’t really explain the without a trace dream but maybe its cause I look forward to the show on Mondays and Thursdays. Well anyways maybe I shouldn’t be watching too much television lol who knows but these are dreams of no importance. The important dreams are those that involve the ones you love and care about and then some.
There was a new talk show on tonight too it’s called ‘The May Lee Show’ – a show catered to Asian women specifically. Its first of its kind and it’s hosted by ex television broadcaster from the US May Lee who has worked with many big television stations. The burning question of the night was what embodies the modern Asian woman? Something to think about – I do have a few ideas maybe ill write about it sometime but for now its back to the show. It was an interesting first show and truly Asian citing how far Asian woman have come in the world today in the work force, in business film and what not. Ask me if I would watch it again? Yes I would probably because my curiosity and my constant thirst to discover and learn say I should and I do wonder about the lives of other Asian women from around the region so we will see what we will learn on the show next week …. Oh and tonight on the show. Goats’ cheese with grapes n pistachios ummmm………
The panda cam feed from zoo Atlanta has been pretty bad this week so I couldn’t enjoy mei lan and lun lun’s antics as much as id like. I hope it gets fixed im not really sure if its my connection or the connection from there oh well keeping my fingers crossed that the feed will be better tomorrow nig ht …
And so that was my Thursday. Now its time for my crime night the commercials are over ...
Nights world ...
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