a quickie
I just got done with a nice long shower and right now looking at the fruits of my labor ;)) – I am so proud of it and its so pleasing to the eye – just makes me smile so much. I cleaned; re arranged, gave away and threw some things in my room ;)). Well one corner of my room that it’s. I moved my vanity, some storage boxes. I cleaned my dresser. I even got creative with the placement of my hair accessories and I saved a lot of space.My vanity table and my chest of drawers was the target of a cleaning spree obviously.
I got creative with the placement of my hair accessories and saved a lot on space lol .. For me cleaning is away to clean. Right now it looks so pretty *grin*. I guess this got me into a cleaning mode and tomorrow time to re arrange other parts of my room – I am thinking about my shelves and all my writing materials we will see where my hands and feet take me tomorrow ..
Anyways, I am happy with the whole cleaning process today especially because I found one side of 2 pairs of earrings that I lost sometime back. A pearl earring and a silver earring. I was so happy when I found them – gives you hope for many other things. I lost another side of another earring somewhere in the living room I hope I find that one too. It’s a earring given to me by my grandmother – every time I look at the single side it makes me sad. My grandmother always remembers me and my mom when she goes shopping before when she was well which is really sweet. Sometimes she would get me little knick knacks. She’s just so sweet that way anyways I do hope I will find the other side of the earring….
And that’s it for me shows about to start .
Good night world …
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