fly home birds ..

I am exhausted more than usual today – not sure why. So my entry would probably be a short one. I feel like I am have no energy today and I think it’s the weather. It’s a really hot and humid and for a moment in time there you think it was going to rain but nooooooooooo mother nature decides to tease us. Can you blame her after the way she is being treated? Oops sidetracked.. my cousin was said there was this Chinese tea that she drank which gave her a lot of energy I think I am going to look for it at the supermarket tomorrow. I know everyone at my grandma’s house swears by it and my little niece enjoys it . its all natural no caffeine just natural goodness for the whole family – I have that line somewhere , I am pretty sure its from a commercial on television. Ummmm these advertises must be doing their work well seeing their commercials are stuck in the consumers head..
Speaking of which I woke up with the song of the old SONY commercial from back in the day . It was a commercial for the SONY walkman which is a big thing wayyyyyyy back then and I think it goes something like this .. walkman walkman lives for the music music is everywhere … damn there it goes again in my head – sure does take me back to the 80’s .. I have no idea why but I think I dreamt it and can you blame me? SONY seems to have a different song for every product they advertise on television and they keep playing it over and over again Lord Have Mercy what are they doing to us ahhhhhhhhh helppp get these jingles out of my head …….
When I was walking back my house I passed this lady and her kids who were walking towards the bus stop. The little boy was a cute chubby little boy with apple cheeks – I think he was about five or six. It was nearly 7 or so and it was getting a little dark. He was looking up at the sky and the birds that was flying home he was talking to the birds greeting them and then saying good night birds bye bye and he was looking up the whole time and obviously couldn’t care less if anyone started lol .. You just had to be there to see his antics – I thought that was adorable I mean saying night to the birds lol.. kids what would we do without them in this world - that really made me smile & giggle after along hard day ..
And so that’s it tonight .. I am definitely going to crash after this ..good night world good night beautiful sunset giver – it made my day .. ;)) .. thank you and I am out but before I do I will end this entry with this quote sent by my friend Barb…
The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. Thomas Merton American Author, Monk and Mystic Blessings
Nites beautiful world ..
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