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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mercury Retrograde yet again! argh!!!

I remembered this time last year when communication was a miss, emails never got through instant messages were a pain and even in relating messages you were misunderstood. This was the time when communication between me and “C” was scarce too. Either we didn’t get each messages or we were misunderstood each other and this was the time when he was on his back from Iraq anyways that time of year seems to be happening again and of course I am talking about the mercury retrograde. As much as we don’t want to accept it I think the planets has quiet an impact on us and our world. How much truth there is that I don’t know but looking at the signs it does make one wonder but then again talking about Yahoo it is always a pain anyways just wanted to share bits and pieces of what its about from various articles I found and how to survive the retrograde until it goes direct again on July 9th I cant wait … need some normalcy here …

Article 1

Excerpts from

Retrograde Mercury is the most commonly known astrological signature for Murphy's Law ("If something can go wrong, it will"), and is one of the first features intermediate astrology students learn about. Say it to a seasoned astrologer and you'll likely get an amused smile and some delightful stories about how things can get quite unexpectedly unhinged.

Computers crash, software develops unexpected glitches, traffic jams ensue, telephone service snarls up, letters get lost on the mail, machinery breaks down, new projects fail. Ah, yes, the trickster Mercury is up to his old pranks again. In fact, at least three times a year for about three weeks each time Mercury has his way with us.

First let's look at what Mercury retrograde is, and then look at what can be done about it.

Those of a keen astronomical bent actually watch the planets each night as they travel through the zodiac. Mercury, which is only visible just before sunrise or just after sunset travels in a forward direction most of the time.

But three or four times a year, if you care to watch carefully, it appears to turn around and go backwards for about three weeks! Now Mercury really isn't going backwards. It's just an optical illusion based on the relative speeds and orbits of the Earth and Mercury around the Sun.

Here's an easy example. Think of riding in a fast car on an expressway which is passing a slower-moving car. The slower moving car appears to be moving backward, but it isn't really. It's just the relative speed and direction of the two cars gives that illusion. Retrograde Mercury is similar to that.

The apparent backward motion of Mercury is called retrograde, and it has been known and studied in western astrology for thousands of years.

In general the effect of Mercury retrograde is annoyance. Little things get snarled up and a low-grade frustration emerges. Anything involving communications, verbal activity, technology, short trips and journeys, primary education, and siblings can be affected.

While Mercury retrograde usually is in the minor irritant category, every now and then a colossal screw-up can take place.

Article 2

Excerpts from

Mercury retrograde

June 16 - July 10, 2007

Here we go again... Mercury goes retrograde once again. It happens 3 times a year and it lasts for about 3 weeks.

This time is from June 16 to July 10, 2007. Next, from October 11 to November 1, 2007. And then from January 28 to February 18, 2008.

This is an important period, and we should be aware of the effects associated with this astrological influence. Since it is so often, we must learn what it means and how to take advantage of it.

General influence of Mercury retrograde

Mercury rules over the mind's processes, studying, communication, businesses, travels and the like. When Mercury reverses its direction, all these areas are affected as well. The mind turns naturally inwards and people tend to analyze more the own thoughts and follow the common thinking patterns, rather then be curious and eager of new intellectual experiences or challenges. This helps the meditation or the thorough lonely long-term study of a specific matter, but it affects the study of new subjects, the communication with the others, the attention oriented outwards.

Businesses, travels and communications tend to experience delays and different problems. Computers and other processes that work with information may experience crashes, unexpected failures.

Don't enroll to courses, don't buy expensive Mercurian items (books, cars, mobile phones etc.), don't sign important contracts and do not marry.

Above all, be generous and compassionate: you are already aware about the influence of this period, but the others aren't aware of it or there may be uncontrollable events. That's why you should have more diligence with the others and give them some more time. It'll be your mental health that you'll be sparing actually.

Article 3

Mercury Goes Retrograde Again

Find ways to thrive and survive it

As the cosmic catastrophe returns for its three-week stay, here's the information you need to survive and thrive until Mercury goes direct! Does email have you in a twist? Are your voicemail messages being misinterpreted? Is your regular mail undelivered? Locked out of the house? Locked in the garage? Does everything seem wacko for you and everyone around you?

It's not such a mystery once you realize it's that time again. Three times a year we enter a period known as Mercury Retrograde. This occurs when the planet Mercury appears to reverse its course through the cosmos (an illusion created by the earth's orbit). The second of these periods began on June 15 and it's not scheduled to end until Mercury goes direct on July 9.

Messenger of the gods

In Roman mythology, Mercury was the messenger of the gods. He was also quite the trickster, and it didn't take long for thieves to adopt him as their protector. It's no surprise then that when planet Mercury goes Retrograde, it can cause disruption, misunderstanding, poor communication and carelessness. Coupled with mishaps like missed appointments, travel snafus and lost documents, Mercury Retrograde seems like a perilous time indeed.

With a few key tips in mind, however, you can weather this little reversal of fortune (we won't say "without a problem" because it's trickster Mercury's way to trip you up when you least expect it) with a knowing smile.

Expect difficulty

It's common during Mercury Retrograde for something that would normally take five or ten minutes to take an hour because of an oversight or malfunction. Part of getting through this time is accepting that things will be more difficult than usual and will require some extra work. By accepting and preparing for this extra work, you will save yourself a great deal of frustration.

Small things matter

It's a lot easier to overlook small, but important details during this time, so pay close attention to the little things because that's where Mercury loves to trip you up!

Roll with the punches

Though it might feel like you're the universe's punching bag for the month, don't take it personally. If you begin talking to friends about what's been going on with you, you're sure to hear stories from them that bear all the hallmarks of Mercury's interference. We too often take the burden of the world on ourselves, forgetting there is a whole universe working its mojo. Sometimes it's really not about you!

Lay low and turn inward

Unless it's a matter of necessity, avoid programming a new phone or buying a new computer while Mercury is in Retrograde. You may even want to avoid making big decisions, like asking your crush out on a first date or buying a house. What Mercury Retrograde is best for is introspection. Instead of making big decisions, think about them. Allow yourself this time to get past the hurdles. Once Mercury goes direct, you too can move forward with your plans.

Laugh it off

As exasperating as Mercury Retrograde can be, there is an element of humor here. It's sometimes refreshing to find the universe messing with our mail, our minds and our methods. It reminds us of our own fallibility - the missed details, the errors - our own slapstick buffoonery that can make us smile like a child if we let it!

by Jamie Nishi

Published: 06/13/2007

Believe it or not better to be safe then sorry and hmmm has anything gone wrong for any of you?


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