saturday something something
How true is that yet people strive for perfection
I hear a little birdie chirping as the sun makes its way to the top though it looks like its being covered by dark clouds – I hope it doesn’t rain today because of the wedding otherwise bring on the rain … *smiles*. And no news from “C” in 3 days – no idea why but me hopes everything is ok ..
No dreams last night non that I remembered – its pretty hazy and maybe it wasn’t good either – I remember a dentist in my dream and some real evil people – just as well I don’t choose to remember things like that would just be a damper for my day ;)) …
Everyday is something new learnt about the panda’s – as much as the panda cam has been a pain of late, the pictures and updates makes up for it seeing that when the cam is actually moving mei lan is fast asleep in her favorites curling positions .. So pandas grooming and we thought only humans want to be clean and look good. I reckon it may seem primitive to us how the pandas groom themselves but I think in their own way and world it’s the best thing to do …
Friday, June 1
One of the questions we are frequently asked is about how giant pandas groom themselves. They are very dog-like in their grooming behavior. They scratch themselves with their claws and against objects and nibble their fur, but don’t lick themselves. Although their fur often appears very white, particularly on film, parts of it are somewhat yellowish. Their fur does seem to repel dirt, but it’s normal for their lower back and rump to be stained from spending so much time sitting on the ground while feeding. They sometimes use their water pools to cool off or to play, but not to bathe. Clad in classic black and white, giant pandas have the good fortune to always look well-groomed even when they are not.
Rebecca Snyder, PhD
Curator of Giant Panda Research and Management
It’s a week into the school holidays and today will mark the start of the second week for some reason it feels like its been longer than that. It will be a relatively busy week seeing that I will going up to my grandma’s for a henna night rehearsal and on the same day my aunt is having some special prayer sessions and I have to look for white tulips for my cousin to use as hand bouquet and ooo its my cousin’s 30th cant forget that either (notes it down)..
That’s it for now .. going to help mom pick something to wear and I need to pick something to wear today too. Its fun she has been aksing for my opinion in choosing her dresses the whole time she was here ;)) .. Got to love mother daughter bonding .. anyways have a great day all …
Blog ya later world ..
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