1st june chatter ...

Life passes regardless if we are happy or sad. I have noticed that when you’re having the best of times be it through an achievement or with someone whose company you enjoy time tends to fly but when you have issues to deal with and problems time decides to take its time to pass – what is up with that Mr. Time? And why do we associate time with males maybe the word time sounds more manly hah who knows.
Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted."-- Denis Waitley
That quote is just right for this look at time. Its so true how we take time and health for granted thinking it will always be there until we are hit with a serious illness or see our healthy deteriorating because of age then only do we wish that we have done things differently.
Lovers value time especially if one of them is about to embark on a long journey into another country. Time is of the essences when communication links between two people is scarce or technologically challenged as ‘c’ puts I and whatever time there is to have the good old times is appreciated and used with enthusiasm. I can relate to this very much seeing I am in such a situation where there is all this time yet there is no means of have a real time conversation like we use to and when the time does happen trust me when I say I will be utilizing it really well and appreciating whole heartedly. Parents value time and savor the growing years of their baby because when their kids grow up the kids would have their own lives, they would have moved out and parents can’t watch their kids grow in front of them again maybe except during the holidays …So time .. value it make full use of it … and then some ..
That entry wasn’t meant to be that long but when the finger start typing it just refuses to stop until you come to a dead end ;)) .. and the little picture with this email is my nieces artistic impression of her aunt ;)) me
This afternoon was all of rain and thunderstorms but only for a little while then it got all dry again – these spurts of rain are not fun *pouts* because it just increases the humidity level and this is when we get all sticky and icky yuck … ;)) sorry about the brat side of me decided to come out for a second there ..
I spent much of today at the hospital today accompanying my aunt. She is still in pain and doctors will probably be keeping her there for about 5 days. She needs complete bed rest moving about just aggravates the pain sigh . Right now she is on pain killers and other types of medicine for the back so I hope she gets better and doctors will find a cure for her back. Surgery is out of the question seeing that she doesn’t want it – its risky and lord knows what the outcome is so keeping our fingers cross and praying that she will be ok ..
As much as I hate hospitals today’s visit wasn’t as bad – the best part was that there was no hospital smell ;)) .. it smelled nice and the room was nice cozy. I took a nap while I was there too ;)) .. The pillows were so comfortable and no I didn’t sleep on the bed there were some sofas at one corner of the room and I chose to take a nap there and it was brrrrrrrr .. my aunt offered me a blankie but I said no l hehee didn’t want to over do it .. later in the evening some of her friends from work came to visit and the company she worked with sent her a fruit basket. I brought her over some books so I think that she will keeping herself busy with that and the television . I brought my book and journal along too that corner where I took a nap is actually a nice little place to get inspired if I wasn’t napping *grin* …
And that was my day .. long but not as bad. Panda cam is still bad – tsk tsk tsk … I miss ‘c’ and wonder where and how is he ..
so night night world and the magnificent blue moon hanging out in the dark sky .. till later
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