a little blue

I am not sure what is up with me tonight though maybe it’s just one of those days maybe it’s the state of the world maybe it’s because of all that’s happening. Things you have always believed in or had faith in. The ideas you have about certain things like family heck maybe it’s the darn blue moon that will be making its full presence felt later today.
well I shall not bring the world down with me for this is just a passing phase call it lethargy call it the question of what am I doing with my life whatever it is it will pass im sure. This reminds me of my auntie.. She has been upset because of my cousins’ heart condition and to keep her spirits up aside from prayer and family she has been eating a whole lot of chocolates. We all know the effects of chocolate. I remembered when I was at my grandmother’s house she was sitting on the sofa and in front of her was a bag of chocolates she look cute and she was like giggling and laughing ok that just made me crack me up :P I feel better already. Anyways she offered them to us saying it will keep us happy and lift us up it’s helped her a lot too. Hmm maybe that’s just what I will do have a piece or two of chocolate. I keep chocolate in my fridge for that instant pick me up hah how writing triggers memories and chocolate does the rest tee hee well I am still going to end this blog here but on a happier note then when I started *smiles* ..
And I was looking for pictures of chocolates to put up with this blog and I realized just looking at them makes you happy and the best part is it doesn’t go to the hips heehe like that bothers me *grin*.. well before I start rambling on I am off here for now ..
So till then have a great night all .. blog ya later..
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