a morning of this and that
-Mme, Anne Louise Germaine de Stael ...
And a morning of this and that was it and it starts with cute pandas...
Animal enrichment day justhow cute is that ? Reminds me of the child enrichment day in school .. like the zoo keepers with the animals as their babies the kids in my class are my babies .. anyways .. Zoo Atlanta will be having an Animal Enrichment Day this weekend with the theme Play the Animal Way. This is when the zoo gets to show off the enrichments toys used by the zoo. Here is a portion of Thursday’s update and what Animal Enrichment Day is all about ..
Thursday, May 31st…………..Pandas are bears, so they usually end up destroying any toy you give them. Because of this, we are busy here at the panda building making new enrichment items en masse in preparation for this great day. Since the pandas still use timed ticketing for viewing, instead of scheduling a toy time, we will rotate enrichment items and pandas in the dayrooms throughout the day, so everyone has a chance to watch them play. So, if you get a chance this Saturday (June 2nd) come out to the zoo and see what all the fuss is about. You won’t be disappointed. With all that being said, just let me tell you that Mei Lan and her parents are all doing great today. Mei Lan continues to grow like a weed, weighing in this morning at 17.8 Kg (39.1 lbs).
Kenn Harwood
Large Mammal/Carnivore Keeper III
http:// http://www.zooatlanta.org/animals_giant_panda_cub_updates.htm
And good morning world! This morning I had a hard time getting up – I just wanted to curl into a ball and sleep all day if I could but mom wouldn’t have it that way she made sure I woke up. Anyways, wake did I and did the usual of checking emails panda updates and what not and guess what I dreamt about last night? My email box hahaha what a thing to dream about huh .. I dreamt about getting tons of emails from ‘C” each with a different subject heading I think there was like 3 or so. Then suddenly I heard him talk in my dream talking about a call or something what if I called you he said lolol I have no idea what it was all about – maybe it’s a sign that I should write him or something or an indication that I have been thinking about him. Its weird seeing what happened yesterday I figured I would be dreaming about hospitals and weddings and lost purses – ahh dreams unpredictable.. always full of surprises.
I think my eyes are sensitive to mascara L … even after cleaning it the night before it seem to hurt in the morning .. sniffles but I love my mascara – and this only happens with the color mascara and not the clear ones – I am not sure why though oh well why am I even saying this hahaah anyways maybe I am a little talkative this morning .. Since we are on the subject of yes, yesterday while I was getting ready for the wedding and putting on my eye liner I realized that I have mastered the art of eye lining your eyes and I realized im slow *grin* takes me a while longer to master certain things like eye lining and I have my defense – its been a known fact that I have sensitive eyes and every time someone puts eye liner on my eye lids my eyes would water as if I was crying so we know what happens then so I think I developed a phobia for it until about a year or so ago. I attempted it myself and VOILA I did it ;)) .. It didnt hurt and in time the lines got better I am so proud of me *grin* anyways, eye lining is not easy but its worth it – all naturale ;)) and the most minimalist of make up …The best part is I fit now lolol I know sounds bad but when I was growing up due to my sensitive eyes I cant put oh ‘celak’ or khol in a powder form on my eyes/ It’s a cultural thing and I never could use it cause it hurt my eyes but now I can .. A little morning information oh kohl …
Kohl is a mixture of soot and other ingredients used predominantly by Middle Eastern , North African, Sub-Saharan African and Asian women, and to a lesser extent men, to darken the eyelids and as mascara for the eyelashes. Kohl {from Arabic كحل kuḥl) is also sometimes spelled kol, kehal (in the Arab world), or kohal, and is known as sirma or kajal in South Asia. Kohl has been worn traditionally as far back as the Bronze Age. Kohl was originally used as protection against eye ailments. Darkening around the eyelids also provided relief from the glare of the sun. Mothers would also apply kohl to their infants' eyes soon after birth. Some did this to "strengthen the child's eyes," and others believed it could prevent the child from being cursed by an "evil eye".[1] Source:wikipeida.org
Anyways my aunt called this morning and she said she was feeling a little better than last night though still in a little bit of pain. She is scheduled for x-rays for her back and hours of rest & relaxation which is good news. So I will be going there later as much as I hate hospitals this afternoon.
So that’s it for now moms calling me out to have breakfast with her .. have a great Friday morning world .. blog ya later ..
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