my babies at the zoo
I am sitting here just relaxing, the kids have all gone home and I am here just printing out some worksheets for class tomorrow. Today was an exhausting day the zoo and I don’t mean the school I meant the zoo heehee. We took the kids on an excursion to the zoo seeing that it went on par with the theme we are doing at school. I think handling 3 classes of 5 and 6 year olds isn’t as bad as I thought especially when you have more than 3 teachers. Tomorrow it’s the 3 & 4 year olds turn to go with a different group of teacher.
The kids were lucky enough to catch the animals being fed and an elephant show just before we were scheduled to head back to school. You can only imagine their reaction and excitement. Their grin their laughter. Their energy was super charged I wonder if their parents put some caffeine in their drinks. From the moment we boarded the bus for the zoo, the were in high spirits, talking , singing – it was just so much fun I am sure they are thinking this is much better than class hahaah. At the end of the day it was a whole different scenario ;)) most of them fell asleep – my poor tired babies ..
I must say it was a fun day – you’re obviously bombarded with the constant questions and information from the kids but its always fun. Some kids would go teacher ‘Why do the animal do that’ or teacher ‘did you know’ – the inquisitive and the knowledgeable …. Such innocence in their eyes.
And of course we can’t forget those who love to stray away from the group – I was so close to having lost of the kids, if I did I won’t be a very happy camper. I am not big on incident reports and having to write one after a long day is something I don’t look forward but I am glad another teacher saw one of the kids before he got the chance to disappear. His excuse from walking away was he wanted to go to the animals and let them walk like us, next to us. He wants to see them free I guess. Sweet intentions thought. He was one of those kids whose love for animals is very deep rooted. He cried when the rabbit died, he cried when the fish died – a lot more than most kids. I think he is just more sensitive and compassionate than the regular kids.
Since were on the subject of lost, I wonder if there can be an improvised method so that the kids don’t stray away from the group – I am thinking not because I think as kids we tend to get lost once in our childhood be it when were on a school excursion or out with parents – me I have I gotten lost more than a few times. *grin*
This week is the last week, and its more fun than lessons at school. We have school vacations next week for a week. Come Friday we have teacher’s day celebrations and a movie day. Meeting the parents days are over so my stress level is now at an all time low as far as school is concerned aside from that it’s a whole different story. And so my papers are done time to clip them and I am heading home.
Hope everyone is having a great mid week!
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