Ummi & Iffa's Day Out ..

The picture is was taken on my 1st Birthday . see the merry go round birthday cake my mom

Well anyways yesterday my mom and I had a mother daughter day – lunch, tea, talk – I miss those days. I have been busy here and she has been busy in Johore we hardly get our heart to heart but yesterday was an exception. I got off work early and my mom happened to be in town, firstly to send my uncle & aunt off to Bangkok and then shopping for my nephew Ali.
A little about my aunt and uncle – they are my late cousin Omar’s parents. My aunt is still grieving (she started a little late than most of us) and she did just so while they were in the car at the petrol station – she saw a Doraemon comic book and it just hit her hard. Omar loved that cartoon and he had lots of those comic books. When she is at home, everything little corner serves as a reminder, his books, his clothes – I am sure it is very heartbreaking being a mother who has to mourn her son .. Anyways, all of us suggested she took a break, get away from the house, away from everything that reminded her of him, so she is off to Bangkok and hopefully she will feel a little better when she comes home. So please say a little prayer for her and my uncle, that she will be ok …Back to my day out with mom, notice how often I get side tracked ;)) …. My mom and I went to Parkway Parade Shopping Centre in Marine Parade. That use to be our hang out when we lived closer. It has changed a whole lot since I was last there which was I believe years ago. One of the newest thing that I liked was the fact that a Borders Bookstore was opening there woo hoo so I don’t have to make the trip to town though I am sure the Borders in town in bigger but anyways, that was a definite plus point – getting lost in books much closer to where I live woo hoo ..
My mom wanted to go to Mothercare© to initially get some toiletries for my new born nephew but when we saw the baby clothes we went goo goo and gaa gaa. They were the cutest little outfits – I felt pangs in heart wishing I had one of my own to spoil with all this cute outfits. We browsed around before finally getting him two sets of jimmies and one of them had ‘when I sleep I dream of mummy, daddy and cuddles’ – just how adorable is that. I can only imagine how adorable my nephew would look in it. My mom was saying how big he has grown and how responsive he is to the people around him. After he is fed, instead of sleeping he will goo going and smiling and laughing especially when someone comes and tickle him or carry him . I wonder what babies think about when they are laughing and smiling like that .. My cousin was saying how she liked to wake him up when he is sleeping hahah bad aunt huh .. she lives up in Kuala Lumpur whereas baby Ali lives in Johore so she doesn’t get to see him as often but when she does – she makes sure she can see him awake .. Poor baby huh .. :D ..
Amidst all that looking and smiling at baby clothes, I think the one thing I wanted to do was leave the place. I don’t know, I think my motherly longings was kicking in and it just kills me sometimes cause I wish I had a little baby – nothing more that I want in the world than to have my own baby and I am not shy to admit it. I look at mothers – I feel like they have served their purpose in life, as women as wives as mothers. I watch my cousin during her pregnancy and seeing a child grow in her – one of life’s biggest & grandest miracles. And so I think my mom knew I was a little upset so we picked out what we wanted paid for it and left.
After Mothercare and a little window shopping we went for a late lunch at the Banquet. I really liked the location of this banquet – it was opened air on the 5th floor and it had greens around – it was actually a nice place to just sit for hours and watch the world go by. My moms’ favorite place to eat too. It has a variety of stalls ranging from Malay, Indian, Chinese, Japanese & western dishes. My mom had some Chinese rojak which is actually a kind of Chinese salad. It has tried tofu, bean sprouts, cucumber, pineapple & a few other vegetables and its all mixed in spicy sauce and its oh so yummy. So we shared that. My mom then had fried noodles and I had some wanton noodles – we were stuffed after that obviously..
We talked a lot during that time. I had a heart to heart to her about all that’s been taking place in my life, changes, choices, decisions. This period of transition that is taking place. I told her my hopes, my longings and regrets. The men in my life or the lack there off hahahaaha … Why do the subject of men always crop up in conversations with mom? Hahahaah .. It was nice that she just listened and gave me input instead of nagging or saying I was wrong or right. She merely gave advice and listened more than anything. It’s been a long while and today I think we made up for lost time. It was really really nice.
After all that talking we left for home. She went back home to Johore soon after – and I cant wait for her to come here again this weekend ;)) ….
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