sunday markets & what nots..

I woke up relatively early this morning and thought I would give nature a visit. The usual crowds were at the park. The elderly people doing the tai chi, the fitness enthusiast who was running around the track, families taking an early morning walk and then there is me. I walk and I enjoy sitting on the bench watching the world go by – it’s a nice way to clear ones mind and get a fresh perspective of almost anything. I would like to think of it as my weekly energy charger. You get in one with nature, breathe clear your head and face another week – fully recharged and ready to go.
Breakfast was pancakes again this morning – I had leftover batter from yesterday. I improvised it a little so I could have a different kind of pancake. I was in the mood for chocolate chip pancakes, but since I didn’t have chocolate chips I decide to make chocolate oatmeal pancakes. All I added to the fluffy pancake recipe was unsweetened cocoa powder, some oatmeal, brown sugar and adjusted the consistency with milk – I have to say it tasted ok for me at least ;)) …
Usually on a Sunday morning, I am in front of the idiot box at 11am watching the Criminal Minds repeats on cable – I am happy to say I took a different route. I dreamt about murders and what not and I think its either I watch way too much of the show or because I talk about it a lot with other people – I guess when you’re hooked you’re hooked.
And so back to the fishy market. I love markets – wet markets, dry markets, supermarkets. Like I get lost in the bookstores, I have the tendency to get lost in the markets. Looking at the vegetables, the multitude of colors it comes in, and seeing some rare vegetable that I have never seen – wondering what it’ll taste like. The vegetable sellers must have really great math skills, when they weigh the vegetables, and calculate your total spending, they don’t use a calculator nor a pen or paper its all by hard – amazing huh – I don’t think I could do that, but if could it would probably wont be as fast as them ;)) ….
I love fish – so the fist stalls is one of my favorite stalls. I like bargaining with them – mom insists I mastered the art of bargaining. Trust me when I say my mom is a pro at it – sometimes I would have to tell her to take the deal but she refuses and say that she can get the seller to bring the price down even lower – this is when I hush and I am proud to say for a lot of the times she gets her way .. Must be her charm but I think its persistence – the key is when you bargain and they don’t give it to you pretend to walk away .. heehee..
Well anyways, I bought some fish today actually I bought ‘ ikan siakap’ or sea bass. I bought some tiger shrimps – I am thinking of making prawn curry hmm or maybe friend rice oh maybe fried shrimps hmmmm decisions decisions decisions .. ummmm prawn salad would be yummy too light easy and fast …… and so anyways,
Next was the vegetable stall. I feel like a little piggie who went to the market with this morning’s blog entry heehe.. I bought one each of a red, green and yellow bell pepper – I was thinking of making stir fried or maybe some salsa later this week. I bought a beautiful semi avocado, tomatoes, and these fine green beans and when I say fine I mean thin. Its you’re regular French beans – it’s extremely thin and it has a darker shade. This vegetable tastes really good when stir fried with garlic, onion, green & red chilli, and shitake mushroom and oyster sauce. The bean doesn’t lose its crunch so eating it is quiet an enjoyable experience. I didn’t do much marketing as I would when mom is here so that was all I bought for today maybe I will have another marketing adventure next week when mom is in town….
I am thinking of trying out recipes today but I am so lazy heeeeheee – I know its bad but sometimes the lazy bones do creep in even when it comes to things you love doing. I am trying to improvise my chocolate cupcake recipe to make it into a pandan cupcake recipe – I just love green and I think pandan cupcakes would be really pretty and significant especially for Eid (the Muslim festival after Ramadhan). Hmmm I think might just do that and ill report in later with the results – keeping fingers crossed.
So till later Have a great Sunday everyone!
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