Smart Solutions for Nighttime Hunger
Have you ever had one of these nights .....
Things are winding down for the night. You're in your PJs, cuddled up on the couch with your honey (or a good book!) and you feel it coming on—the tummy rumble. According to HealthGal nutritionist Amy Hendel, you are not alone. "A big complaint of dieters and people trying to maintain weight is nighttime hunger," she says. "If you eat too little during the day, then of course you'll have night hunger. But many people who are eating adequately still find those nighttime hours really tough to deal with."
Hendel suggests warm beverages like tea and diet hot chocolate to calm the cravings. Another option is a small "smart snack" (stick to 60 to 100 calories):
A serving of fat-free pudding
Fruit with a teaspoon of Hershey's syrup drizzled over it
A fat-free yogurt
1 cup of low-sodium vegetable or tomato juice
1 cup of skim milk
3/4 cup of frozen grapes
AHh my night time hunger pangs prayers has been answered .... *grin*
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