About last night

well anyways last night was a fun night because of the pandas yeah im one of those who are easily amused but you would be especially when you have cute little pandas and last night we had a special treat on panda cam. Papa Panda aka Yang Yang was being trained by the zookeeper and it was so cool… .I think the trainer was playing Simon says with yang yang I have to admit it was cute the panda that is hahaha.. I think it says a lot when I think pandas are cuter than humans lol … oh oh don’t think im crazy ya :P but anyways .. every time he did what the trainer did he got a treat I think it was a leaf eater biscuit. I learned too that Yang yang was a ladies panda seeing most of his pandas were all females. His wife hates sweet potatoes where else he loves them – I guess opposites do attract … Anyways it was treat for me seeing that .. daddy panda aint so bad after all seeing much of the spotlight is on the girls you hardly get to see the daddy so yesterday was a rare treat. Now back to the ltitle super star mei lan she is as playful as always. She is really fast on her feet these days I guess she is growing and I really enjoy when she roughs it out with her mommy . It really makes me giggle and smile and feel good. Who would have guessed pandas lol .. mei lan has a new toy too now a big yellow ball she was playing with it in her little bucket yesterday tumbling and rolling the ball and after all that excitement she headed for her favorite bark for her nap which I thought I was headed for but obviously my eyes had other plans which takes me to the moon. Yes my fascination or the moon has going overboard lol well it’s the may moon and I took a walk outside and saw the most beautiful and bright moon I have seen in a while. No clouds just the moon and the stars – yep you can actually see the stars twinkle bright and I was ooo-ing and ahhh ing at 2 in the morning.. I could have sat there for ages but alas is dangerous for a woman to be out that late .. anyways my attempts to take pictures was futile seeing it was really bright and it didn’t come out as well so I took a small vid instead so here goes my amateur video taking and a picture of the bright moon (not so great but you get the picture) even with the zoom it didn’t come out the way I expected but none the less here it is…
the shortest video ever ….
Big n bright ..

The moon had rays last night and it literally brighten up the skies and illuminated everything in its path.. it was a sight to behold and I am so glad that I was there to witness it .. and on that note a little quote about the beauty of the moon …
The moon is at her full, and riding high, Floods the calm fields with light. The airs that hover in the summer sky Are all asleep to-night. William C. Bryant
Have a Great Weekend everyone …
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