pancakes anyone?
It’s a beautiful Sunday morning and I was actually up early seeing how late I went to bed but I know I am going to pay for it later when noon comes around anyways.. Today is betty night if anyone don’t know im a big ‘Ugly Betty’ fan and I look forward to Sunday night coming around only for the show and not the fact that its Sunday and tomorrows Monday but anyways I am a bit wired today I think I just woke up upbeat or maybe it was that chocolate chip pancakes I had for breakfast hehee .. chocolates seem to have an effect on me especially darks ones yummy umm .. anyways im actually in a cooking mood today more like a pancake mood . I made a batch of pancake mix divided it into two and did half plain and half chocolate how this came about? Well as I was mixing I was wondering what I could mix with the mix .. I could have cheese or fruits or whatever not and then it hit chocolate n chocolate chips that would be good – believe me when I say I was afraid about how it was going to turn out but it actually turned out good so I decided to mix all the batter together to get an all chocolate batter .
Any one up for the recipe? The recipe is a ‘Fluffy Pancakes’ recipe from recipe zaar.
Fluffy Pancakes
1 ¼ cups flour
2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
¾ tsp salt
1 1/3 cups milk
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 egg
For chocolate pancakes
Add 2 tbsp or more if you like cocoa powder
¾ tbsp brown sugar
2 or more handfuls of dark chocolate chips
The amount of chocolate brown sugar and dark chocolate chips is entirely up to you.. I actually used 2 sprinkles of brown sugar and it came out fine. The real taste comes from the dark chocolate chips when it melts in your mouth..
1-Mix all dry ingredients sieving flour salt and baking powder together.
2-Mix all wet ingredients whisking lightly the egg milk and oil.
3-Mix liquid ingredients into dry ingredients.
4-For the chocolate pancakes this is when you add in the brown sugar, cocoa power
and dark chocolate chips.
5- Mix well. Below are pictures of the respective batters.

6-Heat up a non stick griddle and ladle about 2 tbsp of batter and cook about a min or 2
on each side. Again the size of the pancake depends on you.
Here are my plain & chocolate pancakes ….

And so that was part of my morning making & eating pancakes. No plans really today so the rest of the day would be pretty much be filled with school work reading and resting. Anyways happy cooking the pancakes enjoy the weekend I am off to go find me something to do ..
Blog ya laters world ..
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