wedding saturdays

As far as immediate family members are concerned they stay on a little longer and are already at the reception from the start. Weddings here involve not just family but relatives, friends, friends of friends again its something that one needs to fully experience in order to get an idea. Me I like a small intimate wedding with close family and friends- personalization is always the best gives it a more meaningful feel at least the people who attend the wedding know the couple on a personal level and vice versa.
When I was there this afternoon the atmosphere was way different from it was this morning when I sent the cakes. There was music crowd and the smell of briyani rice yummy umm .. And I got a glimpse of the bride & groom. A very beautiful couple indeed. She is of Indian descent and he was a Norweighen. They look really good together and it’s always quiet a sight to see western men wearing the traditional garb. She was dressed in a beautiful Indian dress while he was in a shirwani an Indian traditional costume complete with head gear and what not. According to my aunt the reception is from 12pm to 9pm and I think there will be about 2 other change of clothes – a traditional Malay dress and then followed by the more traditional white wedding gown for the evening. Well I didn’t stay that long – I stayed long enough to say hello to people I knew before my cousin offered me a ride home and I wasn’t planning on staying on long anyways .. I would say all in all it was a nice wedding, good food and great friends (ha ha sounds like a commercial on TV don’t it lol )..
Did I mention too that this was the beginning of the wedding season from here on right through the end of June there will be weddings. When my mom came over yesterday I saw a stack of invitation cards for the next few weekends – I was really surprised at the sheer amount of invites. So its all weddings and food in the next few weeks.. cupid sure did pick a good time for people to get hitched the school holidays :D … and that’s another thing about the weddings here. School holidays are usually the ones with the most weddings which makes traveling though but according to them its easier when the kids are out of school so that everyone can make it. I don’t know if that makes sense but I trust they know what they are doing ….
So for the happy couple may it be a union based on love trust and honestly that would last till the end of time ..
Closes eyes and makes a wish .. please mr sandman no dreams of weddings tonight .. thank you .. *grin*
Nights world ..
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