mondays, animals & all that
Today was the first day of school. The looks on the kids faces clearer showed that they wished they were still on vacation I have to say it’s the same with the teachers too me included hahaha.. Like I said in previous blogs just when you’re getting the feel of the school holidays – school starts. oh what fun anyways there is always the September and year end school vacations to look forward too.
The kids’ moods soon picked up when it was story time – not from me but from them. Stories of their school holiday adventures and when you have a room of over eager 6 year olds you know each and everyone has a story to tell and some can’t wait while others made sure they did even if it means stepping on their friends. To be fair to them we made the kids draw their school holiday activities and divided them into groups so they can share their stories during the week – this way all the kids have a chance to tell a story. Diplomacy has to start somewhere right? Even teachers get a chance to tell their stories ;)) .. only when asked of course which they usually do – where did you go teacher? What did you do? Who did you go with and so on and so forth? So stories are told and more questions are asked – kids ;)) inquisitive and curious …
So this is the 3rd term of the 2nd semester and it will be a busy next few months for me and the kids. My six year olds will be heading to primary one next year or first grade. Its time to drill and instill these kids with the syllabus and some values which we can only hope they carry with them in their lifetime. On the first day of school we don’t usually cover much – but come tomorrow its when the norm starts for these kids – cant give them a rude shock on the first day now can we :D … save it for the next day and beyond *grin*.. So not much in school except for a meeting after school which on went on longer than needed but that’s a norm so in spite of the endless questions and excited not so looking forward to school kids it was a pretty relaxed day but so I savored it while I could because it isn’t going to be that way in days to come but I am ready … or am I ?
I am actually a little tired but I managed to check on little mei lan who isn’t very little anymore – the cam works slightly and I have seen that she has grown lots and is faster in her climbing than usual. She can duck her mom this time. Mei lan is a tad playful these days and bratty and daring – when you have a kid who has all those rolled into one – you’re in for trouble. Take it from me I know – my niece is that way. Anyone interested in an update on her can go here ..

Sunday, June 24
Mei Lan, the last two mornings, has been a struggle to get outside. She has decided that playing inside with bamboo or mom's food bowl is much more exciting then following Lun Lun outside. Lun did not seem to notice because she wanted her breakfast bamboo. No matter what I tried to do, Mei just thought it was a game, and had a good old time trying to interact with me. Luckily, Lun eventually noticed that the cub is not around and came back inside to investigate where she could be. Lun first tried to get a response by nudging her and then turn to walk away, but Mei did not followed the first few attempts that Lun made. Each time that Lun came back the nudging became a little stronger, but that just appeared to be a game to Mei also and tried to start a play bought with her mom. I do not now if Lun just ended up getting frustrated, because she started to vocalize which finally got the cub to listened and follow her back outside. If Lun Lun did not do all this, I would have just had to wait and hope that Mei Lan would go out, and who knows how long that might have taken.
Joseph T. Svoke
Giant Panda Keeper II
Since were on the topic of animals, I found these pictures I took of round not sure if they are pregnant gold fishes at my grandma’s. She has a little fish tank in her bedroom. They put it there so she will be entertained and not get bored. Inside of it is 2 round goldfishes and another silver colored goldfishes which isn’t as round. I think that silver colored goldfish got the two pregnant hahaah oops what was I thinking.. Anyways there 3 of the round gold fishes but one died. I had to share this picture only because I have never seen a fishes like that before. They say it’s pregnant but by the looks of it they are way pass their due date. I actually waited for it to give birth during my stay there but they still haven’t. I even called to ask – yeah silly but that’s just me :P .. So the big mystery remains – are they pregnant or just round and pregnant looking by nature?

The rain seems to be getting heavier outside which is always nice. It hasn’t rained late at night in a while – so this is a treat for me. Speaking of things which happened in a while I haven’t heard from “C” since last Friday. Don’t really know what is going on but I hope he is doing fine and keeping safe. I often wonder if it was something I said or didn’t say (hah little miss paranoid here). Anyways I hope he is doing safe & happy wherever he is and my only wish is that I hear back from him soon. What can I say I miss him and his emails seeing how limited technology is where he is instant messaging is out of the question emails from him is my best friend right now ..
Now I am off to la la land. I am tired and sleepy and since its raining it’s a perfect night to sleep – I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can actually fall asleep so early and off I go wondering what tomorrow brings but before I end this blog here is a little something to ponder on
What shall be tomorrow, think not of asking. Each day that Fortune gives you, be it what it may, set it down for gain.
- Quintus Horatius Flaccus Horace
Now I am really off to bed with hopes of good dreams and good news ….
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